
Can it be done? Joining the Marines with a less than average physical condition in less than 9 months?

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I'm 19, almost 20, and am considering joining the marines. I am a male, weigh 250 pounds , am 6'1'', and consider myself somewhat muscular, but also have a more than average amount of body fat. I run and lift weights frequently, but am a sucker for bad food (hence the overweight problem). I know that the marines must have some sort of limitations on body weight, but i don't really know what they are. I guess what my question is: I want to join in 9 months and be prepared to meet the physical requirements and am wondering if this is possible? (also, what is a good way to train on pull-ups. do the marines require the thumbs to face towards the face or away.)

Thanks for any help on physical conditioning that you can give me. If you have have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Easy.

    If your BMI will d/q you, you can be "taped" to estimate your percent body fat (IMHO, I think electic current is easier and more reliable, but habits are hard to break in the military).  You may even get a waiver if you are clearly in shape, but just not within the "standards."  There was one Marine applicant who was off the charts with his BMI, but only because he was entirely buff. When we measured his %fat, it was under 5%.

    Talk to a recruiter to get the prelim physical requirements and specifics on the pull ups.  

  2. Definitely! if you arent in the right shape, they'll send you to "fat camp" and get you into shape! I say go for it!!

  3. SON, don't do this goal, it is not compatable with your lifestyle, and you will be picked on badly if u do make it. Wait a few years  

  4. You have plenty of time. Here is a book you should read and take seriously.

    " Elite Forces Manual of Mental and Physical Endurance: How to Reach Your Physical and Mental Peak" By Alexander Stillwell

  5. 9 months is plenty of time to lose weight.

    Thats great that your running and lifting already, but your DIET is going to make or break your progress.

    If you eat in a calorie gain weight

    If you eat in a calorie lose weight

    You don't have to calorie count. But you should be more concious of what your eating.

    Try to reduce the amount of junk food you eat in half every week, until your barely eating anything.


    Eat CLEAN. lift HEAVY. Small meal every 3 hours with protein. And exercise frequently.

    You'll have no problem with stamina and endurance if you lose weight and retain muscle.

  6. You need a gym. Work on strength and stamina - those are what you will need to survive Marine boot camp. Work hard now -- it will pay off later when your body is no where near as sore as the guy next you who didnt do his "homework".

  7. you are actually not too far off the weight limit, i know at my height (6 feet even) the limit is 234 pounds!  you wouldnt have to lose too much!

  8. What you are looking to accomplish could easily be accomplished in about 3-4 months, insofar as endurance and strength goes.  As far as weight loss, I had to lose weight to go to Basic, and here are my tips:


    Eat 6 small, nutritious meals per day.  This will increase your metabolism so you can burn more calories.  Take your weight, multiply it by 10, then multiply it by 1.6.  That gives you your daily caloric intake.  To lose 1 pound per week, subtract 500 calories from that number, divide it by 6, and eat that amount of calories 6 times per day.  To lose more than 1lb per week, add in cardiovascular exercise.  Cheat for one meal per week.

    Drink A LOT of water.  It will keep you full, keep your physical performance at its peak, and it will flush out your system of toxins.  Water + increased air intake (cardio) = weight loss.


    Cardio, cardio, cardio.  Cardio, specifically running is the best way to lose weight without gaining muscle pounds.

    Running is something you want to focus on no matter what branch of the Military you are joining.  Focus on either time or distance.  Interval training is great for increasing speed.  Jog 3 minutes, then sprint 1 minute, then jog 3 minutes, and so on, for 30-40 minutes until you can bump it up by jogging for 3 minutes and sprinting for 2, and so on.

    Of course, you have 9 months, so you can easily combine cardio with some simple strength-building exercises.  Don't worry so much about weightlifting because there are no weights at Basic.  Just work on your push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups.  That way, when the Drill Sgt puts your platoon on its face for 20 minutes, you won't collapse.  (That IS an exaggeration, by the way!)  Also work on squats.  That will build your leg muscles so that you don't have to worry about long marches.

    I can't speak to your pull-up question because I'm in the Air Force, but for us, it didn't matter which way your thumbs faced as long as you didn't switch after you started.

  9. You need to be talking to a recruiter. A good recruiter will help you to make sure you choose an MOS that will benefit the Corps and your life as a civilian, after your enlistment.  he'll also help you enlist via the Delayed Entry Program, if your MOS will require schooling that needs to be scheduled far in advance.  Also, while a Poolee in the DEP program, you'll be working out with your recruiter and other poolees... so your knowledge of the PFT and other physical requirements will be thorough.  

    As for the weight... give up soda.  Don't stress over anything else... just give up all carbonated beverages.  Drink milk and water and iced tea, and some fruit juices... just not too much of the sugary kind.  Just do that and you'll drop weight FAST.  Once that weight drops off then stops, give up one more thing you really shouldn't be eating... like fried foods... or breads... or fast food.  Just take it one item at a time.  You'll be amazed how the weight will drop off.  

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