
Can it be my baby??

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how far along in your pregnancy were you when you first felt your baby move? i swear yesterday i felt my baby move for the first time. i was at work.. it was the best feeling ever.. i cant really explain it.. im just wondering if it is too early to be feeling him / her move.. i am currently 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant (3.5 months pregnant) i know some people can feel there baby around the 3 month mark.. but i am just curious... (im 21 yrs old)




  1. ummmm i think that its ok for a baby to move that early! but when it moves if it ever hurts then maybe theres a problemo!


  2. It's possible that it was your baby.  It's also possible that it was just wishful thinking.

    I started to feel my first move around 18 weeks...  It started off feeling sorta like gas bubbles.  A few weeks later, I knew it was definitely the baby moving.

  3. if this is your first then that is a bit early to feel the baby. I am 13 wks pg with my 4th and I think I may have felt a tiny bit of movement...........but I'm not sure either. Just keep thinking happy thoughts. Because that baby will be keeping you up at night kicking you soon enough. Good Luck & God Bless!

  4. Maybe..But you may also be overly excited. If not now you will, I am excited for you.

  5. Most likely you are either farther along than you think or it was just gas.  "Quickening" or fetal movement is usually not felt until between 16 and 20 weeks.

  6. i first felt my baby move around 12 weeks, i wasnt sure though bc it only happened once, and then it happened again the next day, so its not to early to feel the baby move:)
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