
Can it be that I am a psychic? If not, then why not, if I'm held to the same standards as practicing psychics?

by  |  earlier

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I predicted that there would be an earthquake in California,

and there was!

I predicted that John Kerry would win the Presidency, but he didn't.

I predicted that I would get married, and I have.

I predicted that my plants would grow, but most of them didn't.

I predicted that my dog would learn to catch a ball, and she has.

I have found that when I make predictions, they come true - sometimes. Other times they don't.

That makes me just like any psychic I've ever heard of.

So am I psychic? Or is it just coincidence when I and others who make predictions of the future based on "psychic energy" or "readings" happen to be correct? Could it be that your predictions are just as accurate as mine and others who say they are psychic?

I'm available, by the way, if you want your future told...




  1. i predict that in 5 min you will be in a therapist's office

    edit - just a joke i always post answers like this in this category but most of them are jokes

  2. perhaps it IS a coincidence, or maybe you have developing powers. Just believe in yourself!

    Good luck

  3. you may be one, it depends on how often your predictions come true, it it's more than 50% you may be one. mind telling my future for me? =)

  4. why do we have thing epistemic reach into the future but not the past.why do we think if what we do now can effect the future but not the past.why cant we go back and change the past.

  5. There are real psychic out there and there are a  lot of people that are empathic and not psychic.. But due to the fact that they are very close in nature and that many people have a tendecy to confuse the two its only natural that mistakes are made....... And I know several people that are true psychic that have been 100% correct 100% of the time... where as people that are empathic run 60/40... Sometimes many empathic people can go as hight as 80/20.... But that only comes with the proper training starting at a very young age..... So are you a psychic or empathic well if what you said is true then you you are empathic and not psychic.............

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