
Can it be that for no reason or stimuli, Loving Feeling feels your soul.....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike if in meditation, bringing almost tears of bliss to your eyes?




  1. yes, especially when you have something / someone to dream about... these days I'm in love with everything!

  2. yes....yes

  3. That's what is called coming ALIVE!!!

  4. Yes, this is possible, I have experienced it myself through meditation without stimulus of any kind - including music.  It is a most enriching experience.  

    I have also experienced states of absolute h**l through the same meditation without any stimulus whatsoever and have been equally enriched by these experiences.

    The whole experience of meditation is completely enriching and life-enhancing all aspects lead to an uncovering of and contact with the soul of your being.  Enjoy.

  5. Yes. Oh, NO! It is always a reason.

    It fills your soul in meditation, and bring tears of bliss in meditating with the help of some music especially, which it means for me there are stimuli,


    There is nothing from Nowhere.

    I had experienced this 14 years ago, in a meditation with some special relaxing music (and I know very well the reason for those "tears of bliss"), and also in a meditation with Vangelis' "Conquest Of Paradise" (first time & many other times after that first time when I listened it)


    Anyway I know meditation is made with a mantra sound focusing yourself at, but it may be related to the level of attendece the meditation though. I didn't continue those classes.

    It should be a real bliss for you to dive into The Perfect Silance - No Thoughts No Body No Stimuli ... !?!

    Should that be the moment for you to elude the gravitation thing ??? To discover another world (paralel) next to ours, another kind of energies ???

  6. ...not in meditation cause it brings clarity and understanding...

    Loving feeling feels my soul when i look upon a new born or a sleeping love one...innocent and vulnerable...

  7. No, not likely...

  8. Of course.

  9. Love is independent of external stimuli and it floods body and mind also.

  10. Ahhh how i long for the feelings you have described...........

  11. Indeed it does, specially when you find that "loving feeling" in the most unexpected of places.

  12. Yes, and soon you'll learn the true natue of love: what appears to be Nirvana is in reality a black-hole into which all your feelings and financial resources disappear, forever and ever, leaving you gasping for breath, as what's left of your body struggles against the vacuum left by the sudden exit of your soul.

    But of course, nothing can fill that vacuum, although you will try to do so with drugs, alcohol and meaningless s*x, which will only increase your misery, and in the end, it will be Death, not Love, that you will crave, and all the wonderful feelings you have for love now, you will then have for Death.

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