
Can jeans stain your knickers?

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I wore blue jeans today with pink underwear. It was raining loads and my bum got wet :S

I was wondering if jeans can stain your pants?




  1. If you have newer jeans and they have not been washed or not washed that much, they can transfer dye onto your undergarments and even your skin.  It will wash out.

  2. Yes they can, in some jeans the dye will wash off or rub out, so you can get blue patches on your other clothes. Usually after washing them a few times they should be alright.

  3. yes, if they're new, the dye will come out when they get wet. and your white knickers will be blue.

  4. Man, I remember having a pair of jeans that simultaneously cut off my circulation and transferred the dye onto my legs when they weren't even wet.  It wouldn't come off for about a week.

    So, yes to your question.

  5. if you wash your jeans before you wear them that takes the dye out of them....... so to answer your question.... yes, if you wear pink knickers and blue jeans, they will dye!!!!!

  6. Yes they can but after a couple of washes you won't have that problem. Good Luck

  7. were they a new pair? if yes ,after you wash the jeans a few times this will not happen any more,

  8. dobt it unles you shat yourself

  9. If they are a dark colour and the dye runs yes.

  10. yea its happened me before

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