
Can jumping jacks help aid in weight loss?

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Bonjour! Commet Ca Va? Ca va tres bien. Merci. Sorry, practicing French there, anyways, I was wondering, I'm going to start jogging in the mornings to help me lose some weight, if I do jumping jacks along with jogging, will this also help? I have a limited amount of space. lol. So that's why I'm asking. So will it help? Thanks!




  1. Any movement will help with fat loss, is a really interesting article talking about how the little things add up.

    Anyway, yes jumping jacks will help because you will be burning more calories. But you won't be able to get anywhere with your fat loss if you are not in a deficit, eating less calories than you burn in a day.

    So you need to get a rough estimate of how many calories you burn in a day then eat less than that.

    You can get an estimate of that by First finding what your  BMR is, how many calories you burn in a day if you stay in bed and don't move you can find that out here

    Then you need to multiply that number by an activity number, you can see the activity chart here *Note this is an estimate but a really close scientific method*

    So if you do burn 2000 calories a day then you need to eat less than that to lose fat.

    Regardless, 1 pound = 3500 calories, so if you eat 500 calories less than you need everyday for a week you will lose roughly 1 pound a week.

    Oh and cool that you are learning french!

  2. If you burn more calories than you take in (achieved through a healthy eating plan), build up muscle through strength training and complete 30 minutes of solid cardio a day then weight loss is a certainty.

    30 minutes of jogging and jumping jacks will go a long way to helping you achieve you weight loss goals. Make sure your exercises are high intensity that really get that heart pumping.

    I am sure you have a healthy eating plan sussed, if you don't then quickly  get one. Weight loss can not be achieved without a healthy eating plan.

    This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

    Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

  3. anything to get your heartbeat going fast will help..its cardio i think it'll for sure help you lose weight

  4. Jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, crunches etc. Mix strength traing with aerobics and keep up the pace. A $10 Jillian Michaels DVD is a great way to start. Bonne chance.

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