
Can just friends go to Homecoming?

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My schools homecoming is coming up soon.

Ive heard you shouldnt go unless you have a date,

and Ive also heard just friends can go.

I know schools may be different, so whats it like for yours?




  1. adsf

  2. Honey, of course you can go with just friends. Are you going to be a freshman? Back in high school, I always went with friends. It was way more complicated to worry about dates. Go have a great time with the people you love, it doesn't matter about dating. Don't get hung up on what high school is "supposed" to be like, you'll just make yourself miserable and ruin it for yourself. Do whatever you feel like doing. Ignore what all the shows and movies present. Everyone's experience is individual, just try to have a good time and do well.

  3. of couse u can go with your friends, thats the best way to go.

    with friends u can just have a good time without worry bout the whole boyfriend girlfriend thing

    i would say the best thing to do is always go with ur friends to homecoming(unless u have a boyfriend of couse):)

  4. Of course!

  5. yes they can go

  6. No. Go with your friends. Have fun. You don't need a man to make you happy.

  7. you should go with anyone you would like to go with, date, just friends date, or go with another just friend, but not a 'date'

    if you want to go, you should go, even alone

  8. homecomings not the biggest dance of the year in my school so you can just go by yourself or you could just go as friends thats what i am doing for my homecoming.

  9. If someone tells you not to go to homecoming without a date, tell them to s***w off. Sure you can go to homecoming with friends. Although, I don't recommend going with a friend who has a date, because that would be awkward. Still, last year a ton of my friends went together.

    Wait, so do you mean going to homecoming with a guy friend? Yeah, I did that last year and it went fine. Actually, it was my first formal dance, so I'm kind of glad I went with a friend because I know i probably screwed it up, but that was okay since I didn't have anything serious with the guy anyway. It's good to go with a friend, especially on your first real dance.

    If you mean going with girl friends, though, yeah, that's fine too. Like I said, a ton of my girl friends went together last year, and I think they had more fun than me, lol.    

  10. Why wouldn't you go if you didn't have a date.

    who cares?

    i went without a date last year and i had a blast!

    or if you must go with someone, just go with a friend. there is nothing wrong with that at all.


  11. sure you can. my daughter went to her homecoming dances and her prom with a bunch of friends, they all had a blast!

  12. I think most schools would prefer the just friends approach for obvious reasons.

  13. it doesnt matter!!!

    if everyone had to have a date not that many people would be there.!!

    lots of people go with groups of friends and family!!

  14. I wouldn't worry about it.  100 years from now,  no one will know the difference.

  15. i little akward, but just fine

  16. Sure. I have not had my homecoming but I would go with my date and friends.

  17. ya its fine go with your friends you still can have fun hey help me in this one please;...

  18. for one thing you can go to homecoming alone or with your friends...there is no rule.  i remember lots of people went to homecoming as friends when i was in school and usually had a better time because there wan't that pressure.  just go and have a good time.

  19. Yeah, where I'm at you can go with just friends.  You don't have to have a date.  Just have a good time.  

  20. around here you can go with friends tons of people just go in big groups of friends

  21. yes it is ok

  22. go to homecoming with anyone you want. if somebody talks about you being weird just act like you don't care because really you shouldn't. as long as you have fun and don't get drunk and really S****y, it should be a great night. enjoy!

  23. You can take a friend to homecoming. I'd totally take a friend. It might fell iwerd though!!

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