
Can keeping a child from having that motherly attachment and bond cause pschological problems?

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my daughter's father took my daughter from me after me raising her from birth until two yrs and now refuses to let me see her or even talk to her....i'm worried that this instance will cause pschycological problems for my toddler....he let me see her one time and when i left without her because her father said i couldn't take her...she looked at me like she was confused....i could tell she wanted to go with me but i couldn't do anything since she was born out of wedlock and we never went to court....i'm concerned about my daughter's mental well being




  1. Next time you go see her, bring the cops!!  He can't just take her form you unless the courts say so or you let him!  As her biological mother you have all the rights!  He has no rights since you are not married to him!!  

    As long as she isn't away from you long term it most likely won't cause her problems.  But being away from you long term wouldn't be good!  I was adopted my different parents at 6 and it royally messed up my relationship skills!

  2. I'd be hiring or lawyer or getting the cops to get my daughter at this point.  

    Temporary separation isn't ordinarily a problem.

  3. If I was you.  I would be taking her back.  I would also fight for custody.  You might only get half but that is good enough (but than not seeing her at all)  Don't worry about the psychological  problems now, just get her back.  i believe that a child needs both a mother and a father no matter what and they should try and be civil for the childs sake and not put her in the middle of the two your problems.

  4. Why are you not fighting for full or partial custody? I think it's your own fault for not trying hard enough to be in her life. I think you being out of the picture could definitely cause problems in her future. Everyone needs a their Mother.

  5. Time to make a change.  Call a lawyer and do something about it.  Every child needs a mother and a father.  Please get some help to make this better for your daughter.

  6. i dont know where you live but in some case ys he is right if there is no custody papers involved then yes he isnt doing anything illegal. but on the other hand you have just as much right to take her from him i would call the local authorites and have them peacefully stand by while you get her. he cannot hold her from you since there is no wedlock you have just as much right but its seems like you really dont care if you do nothing about it besides ask people here! call the police right now and tell them you want a civil stand by then take his *** to court!

  7. If you want her, and want to keep him from taking her again, call the cops. You gave birth to her, she is your daughter. A parent can be charged with kidnapping their own child, if they try to keep it from the other parent with no reason. Even if you don't want him arrested, maybe the possibility will scare him into giving her back. He can NOT just take her from you like that.

    Call the police and hire an attorney. If nothing else, contact a women's rights organisation and they should be able to get you a lawyer for little to nothing money-wise.

  8. Is there more to this story??  Absolutely NOONE has the right to keep a mother from her daughter unless there's been abuse, neglect, etc.  What country are you in that being born out of wedlock is an issue?  Yes, of course it will affect her!  Fight woman!!

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