
Can keylogger trace what you type in a Word document while you're connected to the internet at same time?

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i was just wondering if keylogger malware copies only what is typed into web pages or if it also copies what is typed into computer documents. Thanks alot.




  1. Most of the keylogger program can trace whatever you type in the keyboard. download and install a good antivirus product like kaspersky which can protect you from keylogger.

  2. Everything you type into your computer they can keep track of.

  3. Yes. It can be set to capture all you key strokes.keylogger is a spyware program. it caches your key strokes in the computer. the best way surfing the website when you use public computer, try to use virtual keyboard to key in you password. it will helps. for more information you can check

    they provide free online virtual keyboard for surfing the site . pretty good

    Types of keyloggers

    As mentioned, keyloggers are applications that monitor a user's keystrokes and then send this information back to the malicious user. This can happen via email or to a malicious user's server somewhere on the Internet. These logs can then be used to collect email and online banking usernames and passwords from unsuspecting users or even capture source code being developed in software firms.

    While keyloggers have been around for a long time, the growth of spyware over the last few years means they warrant renewed attention. In particular, this is due to the relative ease at which a computer can become infected -- a user simply has to visit the wrong website to become infected.

    Keyloggers can be one of three types:

    1. Hardware Keyloggers. These are small inline devices placed between the keyboard and the computer. Because of their size they can often go undetected for long periods of time -- however, they of course require physical access to the machine. These hardware devices have the power to capture hundreds of keystrokes including banking and email username and passwords.

    2. Software using a hooking mechanism. This type logging is accomplished by using the Windows function SetWindowsHookEx() that monitors all keystrokes. The spyware will typically come packaged as an executable file that initiates the hook function, plus a DLL file to handle the logging functions. An application that calls SetWindowsHookEx() is capable of capturing even autocomplete passwords.

    3. Kernel/driver keyloggers. This type of keylogger is at the kernel level and receives data directly from the input device (typically, a keyboard). It replaces the core software for interpreting keystrokes. It can be programmed to be virtually undetectable by taking advantage of the fact that it is executed on boot, before any user-level applications start. Since the program runs at the kernel level, one disadvantage to this approach it that it fails to capture autocomplete passwords, as this information is passed in the application layer.

  4. yes

  5. Yes.

    A keylogger hooks itself into the part of the operating system that actually processes your key presses.  It doesn't matter what you are typing in, it intercepts the key strokes before the program ever sees it.

  6. YES! everytime U type and click the mouse thats all recorded and sent back to the who ever placed it on u or u got it from

  7. they log everything.

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