
Can kissing get you sick?

by  |  earlier

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i met someone a few nights back and made out with them...

i went home with someone and we made out a lot. and had protected s*x.

today a about three days later im throat feels tight and my right tonsil is swollen(which seems to happen when i make out wiht someone)

is this common? i have some antibiotic should i start taking them??




  1. ya u could have got mono the kissing disease if problems persist u should go to a clinic or to ur doctor good luck

  2. Lord yes!  You can get a cold, flu, mono, strep, meningitis.  You don't know if what you have is viral so I think I'd go to the doctor to see if you have the right kind of antibiotics.  Do you have a temp?  Swollen lymph nodes?  

    I think you need a throat culture.  It just takes a minute.  Call your doctor, sweetie.  

  3. mono? i dont remember the symptoms but my friend got it making out with some girl.

  4. Of course, you idiot.  You probably got mono or something. xD

  5. if the person you made out with was sick then you could

  6. seriously

    think about this one

    of course it will make you sick

    you are swapping bacteria and saliva

  7. I always feel like I'm coming down with something weird when I make out with someone new, too! I think that some people are just WAY more susceptible to disease than others. I personally know that I'm a chronic strep carrier, so sometimes kissing someone will cause me to get sick with strep symptoms, even if they aren't sick at all!

    Take this stuff clled oscillococcinum. You can get it at CVS or Walgreens. It tastes just like sugar, and you just let it dissolve under your tongue. You take one before you go to bed and one when you get up, and you'll feel better right away!

  8. Yes it can, possibly one of the 2 people you made out with has an ongoing respiratory tract disease as you mentioned you feel something in your throat. I don't think you should take antibiotics already, check with your doctor first cuz antibiotics act on bacteria and it's possible that you have acquired a viral disease transferred through droplets. So if you take antibiotics it will have no effect on your condition, that is if it is viral. And some antibiotics are nephrotoxic.

  9. yes you can get sick if one of the ppl that you made out with was sick or something and still had the bacteria in them.

    Do not take your antibiotics...just wait it out for a while and let your body do its work. Using an antibiotic can make your problem worse.

    Hope this helps & goodluck:)

  10. Yes. Everybody has different germs in their mouths/bodies so when we kiss someone we can get sick off them. Go to the doctor and get proper medicine because all antibiotics are different for different germs.

  11. Yeah you can get sick from kissing people. I had gotten strep throat before. You should take your medicine for it.

  12. Any exchange of bodily fluids carries with it the risk of a disease or illness being transferred. But if having your glands swell up every time you make out is a common thing for you maybe you should talk to a DR  

  13. you might have mono.

    sounds more like sore throat though.

  14. Price you pay

    for a roll in the hay

    with a person may not know


  15. YES.  Most people catch mono at least once in their lives that way.

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