
Can kittens get cold in Hawaii?

by  |  earlier

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They are 11 days old. There's 2 of them and they're on our front porch. I don't know if they're cold, because they're kind of shivering or shaking in their sleep. They're huddled together. Should I put a heating pad under them? We're in Hawaii. Thank you!




  1. do you have a garage? put them in their  

  2. put them INSIDE, unless mama is taking care of them. if mama IS, give the kittens towls, and a heating pad. (put another towl on top of the heating pad so its not TOO hot). If mama is nowhere to be found, take the kittns to a a vet and see if they will keep them. If not, you need to go to a pet store, and buy a bottle, and some kitten formula, and feed them! I hope everything works out!

  3. try putting a blanket out for them. i can't imagine how they would be cold. maybe they are just nervous. my kittens shake and twitch when they sleep too. i think they're dreaming.

  4. why don't you bring them IN THE HOUSE?  take them to a shelter or the vet.  

  5. they could be because they are so young pls take them in but if you cant give them a home call the humane society or whatever u have down there!

  6. yes they can,and in england,in china,japan, fact anywhere in the world..

    get a cardboard box put some old clothes in and let them all cuddle up together with some fact take the cats in and get the kids some medicine for the allergy...

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