
Can landlord put charges on my credit report without giving me a bill?

by  |  earlier

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went to court with landlord and he got a judgment for non payment, I did order to show couse and landllord had to do repairs . i payed the judgment ,he didn't do repairs he took me back to court again for nonpayment, this time i was giving an abatement for him not doing the work. he put both cases on my credit report, wouldnt give me letter satisfaction to have credit report up dated. had to reopen both cases to get letter of satisfaction, now had his atty call me telling me they were putting more charges on my credit report for other charges not for rent,but said could be for atty fees or they could be for repairs. I asked for list of charges but didnt get one, wasn't sent any court papers of chagres. can they do this??




  1. not really, most things go on your credit report cause you have not paid them.. he really can not put something on it if he never gave you a bill..  

    I would get my own attorney if I were you..

  2. Uh, I don't think you understood what happened in court.

    This is what your problem is:

    You think that you can just stop paying rent because your landlord doesn't make repairs WITHOUT the permission of the court.

    That is why whenever the landlord keeps taking you to court, that is why you are LOSING these cases...when you get a judgement against, you, you LOST the case.

    The attorney/landlord has every right to put the unpaid charges (which I absolutely do not believe you paid) on your credit along with fees and interest for not collecting.

    You don't get a list of charges if he sues you in court.  The judge has already reviewed them and rendered a decision.

    It's over sweetie, unless you like having your credit ruined, you need to pay them.

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