
Can landlords make a person vacate a property in 2 weeks for no reason after being tenants for 14 months?

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My husband, daughter, and I moved into this house a year ago, June 7, 2007. First the hot water heater was not working properly. It took the landlord a couple of weeks to fix. Then the toilet was leaking. It took them a few days to fix. The heater was not working and it took them 3 days to get that fixed. There was a leak in the crawl space and they didn't beleive me that it was there until they went down there and seen it. Now, there is some type of mold growing behind the tile in the shower. I sent them a picture of it and they said that they need to gut out the shower tile and redo the plumming and it would take a week to fix. They wanted to know if we were going out of town. Then, my husband didn't get his check from his employer on time which made the rent late. They gave us a 3 day notice. We gave them the rent when we said we would. Then the next day after giving them the rent the landlords gave us a notice to vacate by Aug. 31. Can they do this?




  1. it's 100% mandatory 30 day notice.

    You could take them to court since the mold and such is a threat to your health and they didn't fix the problem before you moved in.

  2. UH, i dont think so. dont you need an OFFICIAL eviction notice, and have a court date to appeal?

  3. why would you even Want to live ther

  4. In most cases you still have to go to Court and the Housing court has to be the one that evicts...depending on the laws where you live.  That is sounding like a wrongful eviction and the landlord may get trouble.  They have to give you a notice from the courts to make it legal and then the judge has the last say.


  6. Do you have a lease?

    IKf not, you have no protections.

  7. They cant as you too leave without a good reason and if late rent is a reason for the reason they want you too leave then yes. unfortunately they don't even have too give you that much time, the minimum is 48 hours so yes.  

  8. You are getting ALOT of bad advice on here.

    If you didn't re-sign a 12 month lease when your lease ran out on June 2008, then you are a month-to-month tenant.

    They cannot immediately evict you, However, you do have to vacate by September 15, which is 30 days.  They also cannot charge you for the full month of September, only 14 days of it.

    If you have been paying rent monthly, they can give you a 30 day notice for ANY reason to vacate.

    It actually doesn't matter than you paid a little late and then paid them in full...b/c a month-to-month tenancy works both can leave with a 30 day notice for any reason, and they have the same right to ask you to leave.

    The "mold" in the shower is mildew and if you spray it with bleach, poses no health hazard.  Interior walls are usually not insulated, and cellulose is a required "ingredient" for toxic black mold.

  9. I hope you kept a copy of the agreement you signed when you moved into the place. You can go through them and read to see if they had something in fine print.

    I am even surprised they dare do this to you after the service they provided you with in terms of the upkeep! I don't think they can do that in such a short notice.

    Again, do refer back to your documents and read the fine prints!

  10. i don't think so definitely not if you have a lease and i think they have to give you 30 days I'm going to ask my om and tell you shes a real estate agent nd told me something like that before

  11. No, not unless she warns you before if the condition is not met. Also, if I am not mistaken, I think they have asked you to pay downpayment(at least one month advance)? If so, you can still use them. You can live in the house for a month without even paying a thing...that's  the purpose of downpayment.

    Else, you could still ask for more time at least 4 weeks more. You can read the contract to how much time alloted for the evacuation period. BUt mostly the case is just like above.

    Not all contracts are the same, so make sure to read it first...

    I hope that helps...

  12. as far as i know they have to give you 60 days to find a new place before evicting you!!

  13. It sounds like you might want to get a new place anyway.  My guess is they can't afford the upkeep and might be in financial trouble.  Is your lease current or did it expire at the 12 month mark?  If so you are most likely on month to month at this point.

  14. well if you had a one year lease and didnt sign then yes but if you signed for a two year or resigned then no he is held to the lease like you are  

  15. What country are you in??

    This is what it is in Australia!

    7 days for unremedied rent arrears;

    14 days for an unremedied general breach;

    7 days for non-compliance with a Small Claims Tribunal order;

    the same day for non-livability;

    2 months for compulsory acquisition;

    4 weeks for a sale contract signed when the tenants are on a periodic agreement;

    2 month's 'without grounds' (no reason) under a periodic agreement; and

    14 days or the end of the term (whichever is later) 'without grounds' under a fixed term agreement.

    So really it depends on why the Land Lord is asking you to move out! that is something you need to find out!

    You can contact the RTA to help you out.

  16. Most states require a 30 day notice with the exception of:

    California....60 days

    Florida...14 days

  17. Are you in a month to month lease or did you sign a lease lasting ayear or more longer? If you are in a yearly lease or longer, they have to go to court and go through the eviction process before the can kick you out.

  18. Check your lease and check the law in the state you reside in.  In Maryland the answer is "NO"  State Law supersedes the lease.

    Contact the state "consumer protection agency" it is usually part of the States Attorneys office.  Most states have a contact on-line.

    Also know, they can ask you to leave, but they are violating the law if they throw you out and your stuff or lock you out.  They have to go to court to evict you, if it is over rent, if you pay them before or during court that voids their claim.  In most cases, this covers you if you have a lease or not.

  19. Yes, especially if the are repairing the bathroom. You said it would take a week to fix, so you wouldnt have a shower or bath to use for 7 whole days or more if they find more problems. Plus the plumbing water would be off also, making it inhabitable.

    They are doing their job, making you safe, and also being considerate.  So move already.  Just find out if its temporary until they fix everything.  2 weeks in a motel could be a vacation.  If not, look very hard for new digs.   Sorry

  20. In if you paid rent or not they have to give a 30 day notice to vacate..with or without reason...if you do not vacate then they have to proceed with a lawful eviction through the courts....the courts usually give a few days to then the county marshal would come and make sure you leave..with or without your stuff.

    Just wish you named the state you are in....but in any case most states follow the same rule of law.

  21. That Depends on City Regulations  

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