
Can learning escrima help you against multiple attackers?

by Guest60237  |  earlier

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Can I learn escrima by some books, or dvds?




  1. Escrima is one of the best fighting systems to study to handle yourself against mulitple attackers. Especially if you happen to have a stick or 2 at the time you're attacked. You can learn more about how to perform Escrima from a DVD than a book, although books will help you to understand intellectually what you are doing and why you are doing it. When you train with sticks, you quicken your reflexes so that if you have to fight empty-handed, you'll be all the quicker. I liked the Escrima I saw in the first season of Human Weapon on the History Channel. I also saw a documentary of stick fighting from the Dog Brothers who also studied Escrima. You can watch the Escrima Human Weapon episode or the Dog Brothers on youtube.

  2. Absolutely, in a multi-attacker situation you are going to need something to even the odds like a weapon.  I love the escrima sticks, because so many things every day life can be improvised to be an escrima stick.  Probably one of the best martial arts for street self defense, especially against multiple attackers.

  3. You could , but it'd be alot more difficult to get good at it than learning from an instructor.

    Also, if you're planning on learning by yourself, don't expect it to help you much with multiple attackers. It's one thing to practice against the air, it's another to practice against people who're tryin to kick your a**.  lol

  4. Escrima, like all forms of Martial Arts can definitely help you gain an advantage against multiple attackers. As a student, practitioner and recently qualified teacher of Practical Combat Escrima, most of the key concepts in Escrima are based around taking advantage of the situation around you. With the right training and mind set, your environment can become your weapon and this in itself is a major advantage against multiple attackers. Practical Escrima prepares for the worst, and multiple attackers is about as worst as you can get.

    As for learning Escrima by books or DVD's, it's a toss up. While you can certainly learn the base concepts and drills through books or DVD, its practical application (through sparring and continuous use) can only really be learned through direct practice with others.

    If cost or availability of a teacher is an issue, I recommend having others there learn with you through books or video. You can learn and apply the concepts easier with other people than solo.

    Good Luck.

  5. any form of martial arts is going to better your chances against multiple attackers, if i had to pick one for such a situation .. i'd go with kick boxing or mo'ti (ms) .. maybe even some ju jitsu, its more of a ground martial arts and since ur fighting more than one, u might end up on your back

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