
Can lens drops be used as regular eye drops?

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I'm wondering if lens drops can be used as regular eye drops, i.e., if it's safe to use it when I'm not on contact lens.




  1. Yes, may not have all the effects of eye drops but will do no harm.

  2. Most of them should be alright to be used as eyes drops, I would check the label though just to make sure it doesn't say anything about not doing that. I mean if its ok to be on your eye when the contact is in, what harm could it do without the contact.

  3. If it's a saline solution and you have kept it quite sterile (you haven't pressed the opening against things) then it should be fine. I wear contact lenses and often let my friends use the drops when their eyes are dry or irritated. It works just as well as many other drops. Be careful if it isn't a sterile saline solution, this could cause more harm than good, and you might end up with an infection or teary red eyes.

    Hope that helps..

  4. They say they're for contacts for a reason. Doing so may burn your eyes.

    Unless you don't know about it, I won't do it deliberately.

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