
Can leopard geckos survive without a heating pad?

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My friend has had a leopard gecko for 6 months now and I tell him that he should have a heating pad. But the gecko is doing fine and eats well. I thought they NEEDED a heat pad to live...




  1. yest hey have to have a heatingpad. he is doing fine right now because his blood level hasnt cooled yet.

  2. They usually do. I'm surprised he has lived for that long without a heating pad.

    He might have come adjusted to the temperature.

  3. if the rooms ambient air temperature is in the low to mid 80,s  Fahrenheit the gecko should be ok. but the point shouldn't be for the animal to just be ok or to just survive, it should THRIVE. by forcing it to stay at one temperature he is not allowing the animal to regulate its life functions by thermo regulation .which is not good, that's what these animals do. they live there lives moving and digging from one hot or cool spot to another. think of it this way, is you locked a person in a box and only fed him chips and hosed him down once a week to clean him he would survive for some time right even years ? but is that living? that's how i look at this sort of thing.

  4. Tell him to watch the tank temperature. He should have both a temp gauge and a humidity gauge.

    I have undertank heating pads for both my leopard gecko and my snake in a different tank. In the summer I sometimes have to unplug the pads because it gets too warm in my apartment. But in the spring, fall and winter it is very important to have a heating pad for the geckos survival.

  5. Leopard geckos are cold blooded (like all reps) and need a heat source to thermoregulate.

    It may seem like it is fine but lack of heat will kill it, they need the heat to digest there food.

  6. leopard geckos need heat to stay alive, it helps them regulate their body temprature and digest their food.

    tell your friend to get a heat mat asap or it will die.

    it probably lasted 6months without one as your friend must have a rather warm home (:

    get a heat mat (;

  7. not really mineds dont have one at all i use to but its starts to burn the sand so yea but they dont need one uless the house is warm an u could get hima heat light

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