
Can lifting weights mess up your tennis swing?

by Guest55869  |  earlier

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For example, would doing arm exercises possibly mess up my swing. My backhand seems to be suffering and I think that's why.




  1. Of course it can.  Adding too much mass to your chest or arms can slow your swing down by limiting mobility.  Also you want to make sure that you are stretching after you lift and still playing tennis to maintain your range of motion needed as a tennis player.  If you are weightlifting specifically for tennis, make sure you focus on your core muscles (quads, abs) because that is where your swing speed comes from.  Your arms act more like whips.  Upper body weightlifting for tennis is done mostly to prevent injuries in elbows and shoulders and not to increase swing speed..  

  2. Not really. Just don't do shoulder press. That will mess you up.

  3. Yes it can. A tennis swing is something that can be messed up by the slightest thing. Getting taller can make your swing not as effective and also getting stronger. Because youve been lifting, you can move the raquet easier, so  youre swing will sort of be out of whack.   But  Dont stop working out, because in the long run it will help. Just take a day or two of practicing, and eventually you will get back to hitting right and probably be even better than before.  Good luck.

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