
Can lightening cause a fire, even when its raining?

by Guest66798  |  earlier

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Can lightening cause a fire, even when its raining?




  1. yes because lightning has high power so it can cause a fire even with rain

  2. It can happen,yes.

  3. Yes cause it still hitting an object. If it is during, lets say a hurricain, they fire might be put out quickly, or spread fast from the winds.

  4. of course. it is nearly always raining when there is lightning, and you have heard of fires caused by lightning, correct?

    make it a good day

  5. Depends what its striking against, and how big and strong is the lightning itself, like if it was wood, im guessing it would make a fire even if there were showers. but if the showers were really heavy, the story would be different.

  6. Yep, My dad is a fire chief and has been called to many lightning fires even when it is pouring rain....A lot of electric power in a lightning bolt!

  7. Yes.  I have seen this many times out here in the drier west.  Even though it is raining, it takes a little time for some materials to absorb the water, thus fires can and occasionally do get started by lightning.

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