
Can long distance relationships work?

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Can long distance relationships work?




  1. Well, if eventually you will be together, you can work through the long distance part. If it's long distance permanently, then I would say no, eventually someone will want physical companionship to go along with the emotional. I met my husband online. We were in a long distance relationship for about 2 years. We've been physically together for three years, and married 8 months. So internet and long distance relationships can work, I'm living proof.

  2. not really

  3. no i dont think so.

  4. depends.

  5. h**l no, I think this question is obsolete or need to be officially ban because it simply doesn't work and alot of people still hanging on it.

  6. If it isn't an indefinite thing. If, say, your lover is moving away forever, someplace too far to visit often and you yourself can't move, it probably wouldn't work. If your lover is going on a year-long trip, and coming back it could work.

  7. As long as terrain doesn't interfere.

  8. They can, but it takes commitment from both parties to do so.

  9. kehkehkeh

  10. If you want it to work, it will.  You do have to work harder at it though.

  11. Based on my experience, i can say it can't

  12. Yes. As long as you see other people and lie to eachother. Gross!

  13.'s almost been a year for us.

  14. More information required:

    Define "long distance".

    Define "relationship".

    Define "work".

  15. no...

  16. yes

  17. It depends on the people.

    For example, I have been doing a long distance relationship with my girlfriend for most of our relationship (Engineers travel). There's an understanding that it's not permanent. When I come home, all my energy is directed to her and we spend time getting to know each other even better.

    Plus, because we live together, butdon't see each other everyday, there is fresh magic between us all the time. We never run out of things to talk about, and the relationship stays exciting because the separation makes every moment together that much better and more special.

    If you want to be with someone in a long distance relationship, you need to be honest with yourself, and you need to ask where the relationship is going. Are you dating this person so that they will eventually move to be with you? Are you going to move to be with them? Are you in love? Are you sacrificing what is good for you to chase a pipe dream that will never come to be?

    I had to ask all those things, and I've asked them a couple of times. The answer has always been to stay together, because I love the girl, and love transcends all borders, right?

  18. it depands upon u and the person u r looking to establish the relationship

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