
Can love really be given a deffinition

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Can love really be given a deffinition




  1. No Way - We all have different feelings and descriptions about what love is!

  2. A deffinition? No, there's no such word.

    A definition? Yes, why not? The thing is, that definition is different for every person and every relationship. The key to happiness in love is finding someone who understands and experiences love the same way you do.

  3. NO

  4. "Love": That certain feeling everybody feels but no one can describe.

  5. 50 bucks plus change on any street corner downtown.

    I may be sleazy, but I am cheap too.

  6. an emotion

  7. Would you be asking the question if it could?

  8. No, love is infinite and therefore can only be described.

  9. Don't think so man... i just say i'ts a feeling you fell to some kind of person that in someway you like him or her it's all about letting go...  

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