
Can love sometimes make everything worse, instead of better?

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Can love sometimes make everything worse, instead of better?




  1. ~I love rare red meat with lots of fat, poultry, fried food, salt and gravy but they all make my cholesterol and blood pressure worse.

  2. From my experiences, love makes my life chaotic. Perhaps it's because I fall for women that don't love me. But when I observe others who get married and I suppose are in love, that doesn't seem the case. It seems no one goes through the torment that I always go through.

  3. anything is possible

  4. never worse... if it feels worse it's because its ego attachment and not love that is holding on. Pain is a sign that it's not love and that you have something to learn about unconditional love.

  5. Love is always best, but not always convenient.  The struggle is worth it.


  6. If it is blind one.

  7. It only makes everything worse when you lose it.

  8. yes my dear see i love that picture of yours and what i get, i dont get to see you j/k. yes it depends the type of love as the second comment says.  

  9. yes, absolutely.  Sometimes the one you are in love with is the worst one for you but because you are in love you stay with them and it ruins everything.  

  10. You don't have generations of poets comparing love to a rose for nothing.

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