
Can magazines be recycled the same way as newspapers?

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Can paper from magazines be put in the same disposal bin as newspapers or bond paper?




  1. I think you can. After all are papers.

  2. Most recycling centers have separate bins for 'mixed paper', newsprint, telephone directories and magazines because of the different kinds of paper used for each product. Most magazines are printed on coated stocks, which are 'slick' and require a different recycling process. -RKO-  07/02/08

  3. It really depends on the recycler's rules for your town, but I would guess nowadays all recyclers are general.  My town has a general recycling for all paper except wax covered food paper and unsanitary dirty paper like paper towels.

  4. Yes... Along with used paper towels, used toilet paper, most cardboard products and anything else made from paper.

    Did anyone realize that paper was one of the first recycled material invented by man? It is made from the scrap made from our building materials.

    Amazing that you can keep making the same product over and over from itself.

    The wonders of bleach... I wonder how much bleach and sanitizing agents are leached into the soil after recycling paper?

  5. my town recycles mags as well as newspapers and junk mail

  6. The Indiana county recycling centert takes magazines, but you must put them in a different bin than newspapers.

  7. Not usually.  It depends on the recycling organization.  Most still want you to separate newspaper from "mixed paper" (magazines, catalogs, junk mail, printer paper, cereal boxes, etc.).  Newspaper is a different "grade" of paper than most others and so it is recycled using particular processes into particular kinds of new paper while other paper "grades" are recycled into different kinds of paper.  Some recycling centers have staff that will sort paper, so if you are lucky enough to live in an area with this service, you may be able to simply put all paper, regardless of grade, into the same bin.  It's always good to check with your city or county since contamination with the wrong kind of paper can result in the whole batch simply being thrown out (same with plastic, metal, etc.) if there aren't staff to make sure everything is properly sorted.

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