
Can mahram men and women pray namaz side-by-side?

by Guest62749  |  earlier

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Can mahram men and women pray namaz side-by-side?




  1. I pray side by side with my husband all the time

    @islam4life: thanks for the fatwa, i didnt know i should pray behind him. I used to always pray side by side to him. Jazakillah for this information :)

  2. I am confused now..Usually i do as Islam4life sister told..

    Palastein sister,are you sure thatz the right way?Pls check dear..

  3. No not side by side.

    If it is your husband he should lead the salah by standing few steps ahead, same goes with your brother or father or your nephew.

    here is a fatwa:

    Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear questioner, thanks a lot for your question, which reflects your great care to know about your religion. This is what is required of every true Muslim and Muslimah. May Allah Almighty help us benefit from what we learn and benefit others with it!

    There is nothing wrong, as far as Islam is concerned, that a husband and a wife pray together in congregation especially in places where there are few mosques and people can't get the chance to pray congregational prayer every day.

    Responding to the question, Dr Muzammil Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, states the following:

    The jama`ah or congregational prayer can be performed by two or more persons. The minimum requirement of jama`ah is two persons, an Imam and another person, whether a man, woman or child. It is very good that the whole family pray together, especially in this society where the mosques are so few and most people do not get chance to pray jama`ah every day.

    The husband and wife can also make a jama`ah prayer. It is reported by Imam Abu Dawud that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever wakes up during the night and also awakens his wife and then both of them pray together two rak`ahs prayer, their names will be written among ‘those men and women who remembered Allah most’ (referring to surat Al-Ahzab 33: 35)"

    If there are two males praying together in jama`ah, then one of them will be the imam and the other person should stand one step behind at the right side of the imam, but if the husband and wife are praying together then the wife should stand behind the husband.

  4. i do with my husband

  5. They can.

  6. yes

  7. yes you can but thats only for nawafil. cuz for the men it's compulsory to pray in jama'a and therefore must pray with the imam in the mosque and if he cant go to the mosque he can do jama'a at home with the family members (only for fard salah) the husband can lead the prayer the son must stand behind him and the daughters and the wife should make another row behind the son.

  8. not side by side..

    just like islam4life said :)

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