
Can major events affect your sensitivity?

by Guest61472  |  earlier

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I've always been sensitive. And like in november my grandpa died and i felt even more sensitive for awhile to like how people said things and stuff. And then i left for pennsylvania in february and came back to find out my grandparent's dog, who was also my very best friend, had died the day i left and no one even told me. My dad had told me he was still alive because my grandma made everyone promise not to tell me. Which i am so mad about it's not even funny. Losing their dog was one of the worst things ever. And not long after that i lost the image of who i thought my dad was because of something that happened. And now, i just feel extremely sensitive! I'm still really happy and stuff, but just, like i used to be able to watch scary movies. They were some of my favorite but I have no desire to anymore. I used to be able to carry on conversations even if they were a little gross, and now when those types of conversations are going on, they make me feel nautious really easily. It's all so weird, haha. I don't get it. And i do feel easily hurt by the things people say like always but even more so. Can those events that happened have made me even more sensitive? I'm also a little bit more confident and more bold and rebellious, but i don't do anything bad, haha. But i just don't get all of it. I don't MIND the sensitivity, i just don't UNDERSTAND it.




  1. The longer the easier it is to understand.

    And yes, major events can affect almost any part of yourself.

  2. math can effect my sensitivity.... it stimulates my brain >_<  

  3. Of course major losses and even unexpected information, like about the dog, can affect you. It sounds as if you are feeling frightened, angry and betrayed.

    Was your grandfather very special to you? Losing him was probably very traumatic for you. That would be normal, and if you really loved him and relied on his being there, you might even feel angry with him. These things are very real. It takes time for you to heal from them.You need somebody to talk to...friend, family member, counselor...whoever you feel you can trust.

    I hope you feel better soon, and I am sorry you lost your grandpa. And that you had the shock of losing the dog too.

  4. WOW. you have really been through a lot in a short amount of time!  You absolutely have a right to be oversensitive, you've really had to experience some of the toughest stuff that life has to offer.  And it's not abnormal for you to be a little rebellious, when you get that many things thrown at you that you weren't prepared for, and the adults around you turn out to be a completely different person than you thought (I went through this with my dad too), you start to feel like.....who cares? The people who I trusted most let me not only are you very emotional about some very had traumas you've been through, the person who was supposed to support you has let you down.  Stay strong, if you get through this, you can get through anything.

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