
Can man and woman be friends

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Can man and woman be friends




  1. One of my favorite movies is "When Harry met Sally" I think one of the reasons why I like it so much if because of the question...Can men and women be friends? I don't believe they can. Someone in the "friendship" wants something from the other.  

  2. yes theres no rule that says you cant be. i have more guy friends then i do girl friends. but the only thing with me alot of my guy friends hit on me.

    but its ok to be friends of the opposite s*x

  3. Of course a man and a woman can be very good friends.  As long as that is the intention of both, there should be no problems.

  4. Yes. Half of my friends are male and I'm a female.

    But I don't know if certain men who think they are better than the women can.

    *My opinion.

  5. Of course they can!!!! People this is an no brainer, not everyone has an arterial motive.

  6. sure a guy can be a friend with a woman as long as he's not attracted to her , or if the guy is g*y.

  7. yup wats wrong wit dat

  8. yeah, but like a few people said here i think one of them usally wants more unless there is no attraction

  9. yea, like my mother has at least 1000 guy friends or less. and i have a few

  10. YESS!! i have more guy friends then i do gal friends.

  11. I'd say you can

    i have load of male friends

    and neither of us have ever "wanted more"

  12. yes dah? wat do u mean can u, chicks like it wen guys reckon  thier good enough to talk to  

  13. It can happen but one usually wants more from the other that that person can't give...

  14. Yes. man can be good friend if u don't see them more than a friend

  15. Sure.  In fact I've got more female friends than male.  Just turned out that way.  And I'm not fooling around with any of them or thinking about them in that way.  They are just friends.

  16. Yeah why not

  17. Da Yea I Have 30 Friends That Are Woman You Can Be Friends With Anyone!

  18. Yes.....definitely.  I have very close friends of both sexes.  

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