
Can man be replaced with machines???.....?

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Can man be replaced with machines???.....?




  1. Until a machine can be given a brain to think on its own, and have emotional interactions, No a man cannot be replaced by machines.

  2. How many two ton pallets have you picked up lately?  I have to use a fork lift.  So I have already been replaced.

    Also, my legs have been replaced in traveling long distances with a car.  

    So machines are already taking over my life!

  3. no

  4. On the most part he already has. In the automotive industry, there used to be hundreds of panel beaters and machinists, now it is CNC machine tools and robots, and very few engineers - some of which are female.

    Genetically, man is redundant, as genetic manipulation can produce a fertile egg from 2 females.

    So in effect the male of the species can be replaced with machines.

    Oh, and you won't find much detail of a fully armed version of Asimo , but they are working on it - there are competitions ever year.

    This is the sword project - fully armed robot, high accuracy at 300 yards with automatic weapons-

    Robots using Rat brains integrated to provide senses to androids -

  5. in d light of modernisation n new developments in science, it would b not b so easy to say NO. Wt i think is dat machine would b able 2 do everything xcept giving birth to a child....

  6. Man has been replaced by machines ever since Ugg the caveman discovered he could move a boulder with a stick rather than 2 other men. The determining factor is technology and cost. As the cost of labor rises machines become more cost effective. As technology advances the abilities of machines increases and the price is reduced. The cotton gin replaced manual labor done by slaves, the modern computers have reduced the need for accountants,bookkeepers, draftsman, and many other positions in modern business. You also factor in the law of diminishing returns, which states that the more complex the job the more it will cost to get done limits the amount of mechanization one can do. Prototyping and single one of a kind production will never be practical to mechanize. The cost of teaching the machine will outweigh the savings of having the machine do the work so I think the answer is no machines will never completely replace a man, but it will make the jobs men do more complex and require more and greater skill.

  7. Man is, a tool making animal.

    Until such faculty is acquired by some machine, it can never be.

  8. Not entirely...

  9. who created machines     it was by man  so how can machine replace man

  10. Automation or technological advancement, is definetely better and can bring lot of improvements and efficiency.  While this can never replace humans.  

    We need someone to hear us and thats what will make a huge difference, between men and machine.  We call up and shout at the customer service executive and vent our anger; What is typically called as "human touch".  

  11. if machines got a good brain like ours and the ability of emotional interaction, then it can replace man.  

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