
Can man reach the sun?

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  1. no, not possible

  2. no.... you would get disinigrated.

  3. The day that happens is the day earth will grow legs get up and walk to the black hole in the center of the galaxy and go swimming in it. In other words....IMPOSSIBLE. Unless you wish to become fried human!!!

  4. No We can not even send someone or something to Venus

  5. at the moment, no, man can just about make it to the moon, which is less then 0.1% of the distance to the sun. then there is the logistics of dealing with temperature etc. so that won't happen for while, if ever. tecnically we can send things to them moon, as any craft that can escape earths gravity can travel that distance(after a long time), and there are some meterials that could stand the temperature.... but not composits or anything complex, so it would be pointless.

  6. No,it would be impossible for humans to ever reach the sun,here are some reasons I thought of:

    First of all,the extreme heat,the Sun burns at over 5000C,staying even 1 million km away from it would get you burnt to ashes.

    Secondly,the Sun is 150 million km away from Earth,to get there humans would have to build huge rockets,tens of times bigger than normal rockets,we would have to take gigantic quantities of food and water,which will inevitably result in us not being able to leave the atmosphere.

    And thirdly,even if we did manage to leave the Earth,and even if we reached the Sun, it's gravitational pull is so strong,it would pull us into it before we could take a picture.It's volume is 1,000,000 times bigger than the earth,imagine it's gravitational pull,it could be thousands or billions of times stronger,we would have no chance of escaping.

    So the answer to you're question I think it's safe to say that it's not possible.

  7. No it's hundreds of thousands of light years away, and the closer you get, the hotter it would get. Man would burn up before going a tenth of the way....

  8. yeah. i've seen it with my own eyes.

  9. Man can't  but woman can. I was just there. i just got back only moments ago!

  10. With current technology, yes

    But only once per person

  11. Hey I thought of a cool way. U know teleportation? Its feasible... So maybe in the FAR future when we are able to teleport whole humans we can find the exact coordinates of the sun and teleport a human being there.

    but we would die instantly...

  12. Aside from heat and radiation problems, we are not able to precisely enough make a trajectory to the sun. The closest we got to the sun was with Helios (German) craft. I forget how close it got, but it reached the highest speed ever by a man-made craft. And therein lies the problem. The sun has a huge gravitational field, and we simply can't figure out how to avoid being sling-shotted around the sun as we get closer to it.

  13. impossible , we'd melt like icecream in the summer before we touched the sun or within spittin distance of it

  14. The question answers itself don't ya think?

  15. Yes we have built spacecraft that could do it (Apollo for example). These spacecraft could escape the earth's gravitational field and aim for the sun.

    However the spacecraft would burn up as it gets close to the sun.

  16. As of right now no, humans cannot. Considering we havnt even made to mars yet which is much closer and doesnt have a 5780k (10,000 F) temperature.

  17. Is this a question you need to even ask ? Do you really think with our current technology we would be able to reach the sun WITHOUT burning up? Even if it wasn't hot I'm not sure if we would be even able to reach it with the primitive technology we have now. The Moon is FAR closer than the Sun is to the Earth.

  18. No, any spacecraft would melt if it got too close, and there is no solid surface for it to land on even if it didn't.

  19. yes it is possible for us to travel that distance but to actually do it would be impossible because it would be wayyyyyyyyyyy tooooo HOT for anything; animal, vegetable, mineral, to survive.

  20. No

  21. Too hot......

  22. The sun is hotter than women, so no way.

  23. no, they would get close then burn up in the heat
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