
Can mankind now control it's own evolution?

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Nice one all ,thanks for your answers and point of view, I too think we have long since started to control our evolution, just taming the enviroment to suit our personal needs was the start and with the advancement in the human genome project I would speculate, than humans will be engineered for a purpose, like say space travel etc.

Thanks again for your views a pleasure to read, and Green cheers for the info on the berries I will be looking into that.




  1. i don't think so .evolution is a nature ,it is inevitable ,it is just like long as time is going ,as long as the earth is evolving ,the human society has to develop it self ,it is true with human has to grow up ,it is stark reality,it is irrevocable progress ,if you try to prevent it ,then you are kidding yourself .so let it be.

  2. Mankind can now control its own DESTINY!

    We have mapped the human Genome, we can clone anything we want, we can practice Eugenics, we can create the 'Ubermenschen'!

    I am surprised there are no conspiracy theories flying around about this subject.

  3. The problem with the majority of the answers that you have recieved so far is that they presume "unnatural selection" to be a synonym with "natural selection" yet, in fact they are polar opposites.  Evolution is driven by natural selection.  The fact that we are continually adding additional sources of unnatural selection does not mean that we are controlling our evolution, it means that we are cheating the evolutionary process from expressing itself.  In so doing we are controlling the way that we develop as a species, by increasingly negating the effects of environment and diluting the evolutionary process as it applies to our species.  By creating this vacuum in our selective process we are allowing more evolutionary defects to become commonplace within our genetic code, and for this to be passed on through generations.  We are increasingly becoming more invasive at controlling our genetic path, and in so doing we usually have to also become more creative in how to also adapt to all the negative side effects that we did not anticipate in our medling in the first place.  Yes we are controlling thia genetic path to a degree... and we are doing it poorly... but this is NOT evolution.  The question should be "can mankind now eliminate many of the effects of evolution as they apply to us as a species?"  Add if you like"and replace 'survival of the fittest' as our developmental path with 'medical tinkering'"

  4. Just asking this question shows that you and many others who answered in the affirmative to this question, do not understand the first thing about evolution.

  5. Man kind can't do diddly squatt, we are nothing compared to mother nature

  6. There's been a suggestion that the "latest" changes were more cultural/social than biological.

    The cultural adaption/change of clothing meant humans did not have to change biologically to deal with Ice Ages etc.

    Where this puts us as an evolving animal is anyone's guess.


  7. Maybe they are I don't know.  Check out the web site.  Now even men are carrying their own babies too.  Check it out for your self, it's too weird for me.


    I hope it works for you to be able to see, it's like number 4 on the page.  Where it starts off saying POP.  I had to type it in for it to be able to work, so I'm not too certain if it's going to or not.

  8. yes. its what Hitler tried to do and what we know scientifically have much more advanced capabilities of achieving.  Its know as eugenics.  We can now create babies to our own design, we can abort those who are not to a standard we decide on,  stick ears on the backs of mice, make monkeys turn green, cure many fatal illnesses and are searching for cures for many more.

    But then you could argue that as soon as mankind moved out of nature and built cities and fortresses against the wild then evolution (survival of the fittest) could no longer work upon us so we have been controlling our own evolution since the founding of such cities as Ur.

  9. Mankind can never control evolution, maybe slow down some of the effects of this natural process, but evolution is inevitable.

  10. Yes. We are already doing it. By advances on medicine we have weakened the species by being able to save individuals who otherwise would not have lived long enough to pass on their genetic code (I myself being one). On the other side we are better able to prevent the birth of individuals who have genetically herited problems. From there it is a short step to being able to control other aspects of our offspring. The movie "Gattaca" gave us a extreme example of that. There is a moral issue on meddling with our own species. However we have controlled evolution of the plants and animals we use for a living for centuries with selective breeding, lately speeding it up with genetic manipulation.

  11. Only if you believe in some overarching rationality which survives between generations.  In our neophiliac culture to get on yer yuppies are always ripping everything up and starting again.  So, no.  Some jerkwater PR man will become PM and decide disease is good for the lower classes, or something.

  12. Messing with the environment as we do, we are probably affecting all evolution.  We purposely control some of it in creating domestic breads of animals, (artificial selection.)  We easily control our own.  African Americans look distinctly different than African Africans; even though, they have the same African origins.  The Latino race was created just a few centuries ago by Spanish Conquistadors.  Interracial dating continues this kind of evolution.

  13. Now that we're messing around with genetics and stuff, I guess you could say that we are controlling our evolution. Designer babies are almost inevitable.

  14. Yes, we can and we do. As a whole, the human race has decided

    that it will evolve into fanatical theocrats, because the theocrats

    have decided to produce many offspring, and the atheists have

    decided to produce comparatively few offspring.

  15. Yes, I think so. We can scientifically select desired traits and eliminate negative genetic qualities. I don't think we will ever do this on a wide enough scale to really alter ourselves as a species though. And this still doesn't factor in random mutations and epic events out of our control.

    One thing I find interesting about humans is that ecological adaptations are at this point cultural or scientific as opposed to biological. Does scientific progress and cultural accumulation therefore count as evolution?

  16. Yes, we already are, through all the advances in medicine & science, like the other person said. But, I really wanted to tell you: the acai berry is even more potent than blueberries and cranberries etc., but that question was closed (This is my first night signing onto this place) It's grown in the Amazon. I just started drinking this stuff called Mona Vie. It's a blend of 19 potent berries and fruits. Google it. Try it. Yahoo Question it! LOL! Maybe this globalization we're going through, where we can share knowledge from all over the world in just seconds is just another advancement for mankind to control our own evelution. Kinda scary. You know in the bible where it talks about the Tower of Babylon, something about God scrambling our communication because we were all working together and trying to reach the long before we try that again? What will God do this time? We are playing God with all these scientific advances in medicine and cloning and stopping death, and stopping life. What God must think of us! Do you think He's mad at us? Do you think He will retaliate? We all know we will never stop ourselves.

  17. We are already doing it.

    Look at all the sub par individuals walking around (including myself)...

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