
Can married couple file individual tax return?

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Can married couple file individual tax return?




  1. In the US, certainly - you each file as married filing separately (you can't file as single).  Your total tax between you will almost surely be higher if you do - maybe by a lot, maybe only a couple dollars, depending on your circumstances.

  2. Absolutely. Its classified as "married filing separately". Check out this link for more info.

  3. yes of course individual filing is being done

  4. in CT we can. Depends on when you were married, what month, makes more sense to file jointly though. when filling out your tax forms, on there you can select.. married but filing separetly.

  5. i believe there is a place on the 1040 forms to file as Marriedfiling jointly, or Married filing separately (at the single rate). You will end up paying more than Married filing jointly.

  6. In the US, not unless you get divorced by the end of the year.  I looked into this since being married costs us $$$ because of all the benefits we lose for being rich (yet can only afford to rent a 2 bedroom apartment)

  7. yes in australia.


  8. Yes you can. Usually it's better to file together though.

  9. There is a no way on the Federal return if you are legally married:  a man and a woman joined in holy matrimony.   For state income taxes, D.C.and California  have allowed "domestic partnerships", but it is not a marriage.  For federal tax purposes, a marriage means only a legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife.  Furthermore, a person does not meet this test if at any time during the year the relationship between you and that person violates local law.   Most municipalities still have sodomy Statutes.

    If you go this route, there are more potential problems, such as health insurance.   If the health insurance does not say "spouse" or "spousal" or "family", then the health insurance either mislabeled or they do not see the policyholders as being husband and wife.   It gets complicated.

    Note:  Registered Domestic Partners (RDP) who file a California tax return as married/RDP filing jointly and have no filing status adjustments between Federal and California, combine their individual AGIs from their federal tax returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Enter the combined AGI on Form 540/540A, line 13.

    Another problem:  Caution – Community Pro-perty States: If the spouse earning the California source income is domiciled in a community pro-perty state {California is one of the nine}, com-munity income will be split equally between the spouses. Both spouses will have California source income and they will not qualify for the non-resident spouse exception.  The sodomite earning most or all of the money won't like it.

    You should save your business related receipts and keep tract of your mileage and a very accurate diary of your expenses.    Then use your software to determine if it is more advantageous to file married filing jointly or married filing separately.   You add your state income tax in to it.   In a few states, it is advantageous to file married filing separately.   In a few states, you are not bound by what your filing status was on your Federal income tax return.

  10. If you are married and live together, you can file as "Married-Filing Separately" or "Married-Filing Jointly".

    The filing statuses of "Single" and "Head of Household" are no longer available to you.

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