
Can married have car insurance with separate companies?

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fiance has 3 accidents on his record from 06/2006 to 08/2006 when his policy comes up in September they are raising his insurance $600 every 6 months. Can I move him to another company and stay with the current one?




  1. Of course you can.  But that won't hide your record.  The other company can still see and know the accidents.  They stay on your records for like I think it's seven years?  

    But OUCH, that's a high raise you're gonna get, isn't it!

    You may consider keeping a lot of things in your name and a lot of things in his name for awhile because this record may also affect other things in your life too, like credit, etc.

    Don't be so quick to have JOINT things right off before not THINKING ok?  You may need to check his credit report too.  IT's not improper to do so.  You don't want yours to be ruined by his bad report if you "join" accounts on things, that's exactly what will happen.  Just a suggestion.  Just sounds like you should  with someone who has 3 accidents in 3 months.

  2. Well, likely you can, but it's a bad idea.  Here's why:

    If you want him to be able to drive your car, you have to list him on  your policy, and then you'll have to pay his surcharges twice - once on each policy.

    If you EXCLUDE him from coverage on your policy, that means the insurance won't pay -  no way, no how.  And in my experience, SOMETIME, he's going to get behind the wheel - even if it's to run to the store, and your car is last in the drive.  Which means, if he hits someone, your car isn't covered, and neither is the other car - and you could be left owing $15,000 to the bank on your car, paying $15,000 to the other person for their car, and another $50,000 in medical bills and lost wages.

    I'd suggest, you don't live with him, and postpone the wedding until these accidents are all over three years old.

  3. Check the rates, first.

    Make certain you have the coverage in place from the second company before you cancel your part in the joint policy.

    I hope your guy is not this reckless with his money.

    Or with your money.

  4. It won't work.  Since you live in the same household (there are reports that pick up all drivers in the household) both of you'll have to be listed as drivers on both policies.  His driving record is going to affect both of you.  phone around and get the best deal you can for car insurance for both of you.

    I've had good results here...

    Good Luck.

  5. That is a simple question.  The simple answer is yes.  You can do whatever you want.  You may save a buck or two as well.  But be warned.  Ask your carrier as different rules for different carriers.  Also make sure your company isn't going to surcharge you just because he has "access" to your car since he live with you.  You may have to exclude him from your policy if they do if you want the lower rate.  I was an agent for many carriers.  I always thought this was a loophole with Allstate in California.  If you had Allstate and your fiance had another carrier and you had proof, they would not surcharge you and you didn't even have to sign an exclusion.  If he drove your car and got into an accident, Allstate would still cover the accident.  Why, because they didn't make you sign an exclusion.  Finally, be aware that different companies have different rules.  I would check with the big ones and stay away from the small carriers.

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