
Can matter and/or energy not really be created or destroyed?

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If not, how did energy and matter come to existence in the first place?




  1. No body but God knows.

  2. It could have been transported from another Universe

  3. It is thought that ENERGY cannot be created nor destroyed.  No one has ever seen ENERGY being create or destroyed.  It only changes form.

    MATTER is created and destroyed all the time.  Gasoline is destroyed when your car runs.  Coal is destroyed  to run a furnace.  

    Light a cigarette.  The paper and tobacoo leaves are CHANGED into ashes, smoke particles, and heat energy. Now, if you collect the ashes AND the smoke, and weight them, you'll find out that all this weighs LESS THAN the sigarete, Where di the rest go?? It was convertd to heat and light energy -- the fire that kept the cigarett burning even after you took the match away.

    No one has ever seen ENERGY being created.  It just changes form.  Matter is a form opf stored energy.  When we destroy matter, we release that energy, like burning gasoline, burning coal, burning a cigarette -- or splitting an atom.  We destroy MATTER all the time, in order to RELEASE the stored energy.

    But NO ONE knows where all that energy came from. Scientists can't explain it.  Ultimately, you get back to the Big Bang, which scientists think release ALL of the energy into the univers.  But they have NO explanation as to how that energy was formed.  This is called "creation ex nihlo" -- "created out of nothing".

    The trouble is, scientists ALS try to tell you that "creation ex nihlo" is impossible.  So it is no wonder things are confused -- Scientists tell you the "creating something from nothing" is impossible, yet our whol universe was created from nothing!

    It's just one of those things that you have to accept -- Energy IS.  Your job is to use it wisely, and not worry about how it got there.

  4. Energy and Mass are different forms of the same thing.

    Energy equals Mass times the speed of light (in a vacuum) squared. No one "knows" where all the matter and energy came from in the first place, but it is man's attempt to understand which is the foundation and driving force of science. We take our hypothesis of what might have happened and test them against our observations, if they hold up, they become theories. Man is continuously refining and revising theories to better understand the universe around us. It seems to me that the energy we have originates as mass converted to energy in nuclear reactions, either fission or fusion. Then your next question, where did that mass come from? When you figure out the answer, you will most probably generate more questions, that is one of the things that makes us human.

  5. Energy and matter can be turned into each other. We can destroy matter to create large amounts of energy, and turn large amounts of energy into matter. But, there is a finite amount of "stuff" in our universe, so if you treated energy and matter as different forms of the same "stuff", then it cannot be created or destroyed.

  6. In order to have "come into existence," there must have been a time when all this energy was not here. There is no such time.

    In any case, the total amount of energy in the universe is indistinguishable from zero to 19 significant figures.

    EDIT: Knowledge isn't scientific? Then you have a very strange idea of what is scientific and what is not. OK, then, please indicate the time when these things "came into existence." In the Big Bang theory, For all times t>0, they existed and there are no times t<=0.

  7. Matter and energy are two forms of the same thing, in fusion, matter is converted into energy, but the scales reamin balanced. Al that exists in the universe was created when the point of enegy was converted into matter.

  8. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that matter and energy can neither be created or destroyed, just changed from one form to another.

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