
Can me electric company .. Sub Station across from me?

by  |  earlier

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Ok It's rumored that the woman across the street from me is selling to the electric company and they plan to put in a sub station. Can they do this withought getting permission from me? Has anyone had to deal with this, or have some thoughts about stoping this.... (cancer) .....





  1. The electric company is big business-- they can do anything they want. Do you think for even one second that they would care about your investment? Chances are that you may influence the final appearance of the structure/ building--talk with them.

  2. Try your local authorities.

  3. Sure they can, it's their land not your land.  How would you like it if someone told you what you could or couldn't do on your land, or who you could sell it to for how much?

    As for the cancer thing you have to do some real research. If you can document that this is likely to create a health risk for you, you can stop the project dead.  But obviously they're not going to stop a project just because of someone's random, ignorant fear.

  4. of course they can. there is no zero nada correlation to a substation and cancer.

    you can move, or do without electric.

  5. Well in most places the town has to have a town meeting to OK the construction/zoning of something like this.  I dont think they can put a sub station in a residential area.

  6. first off, check with your local government.(normally they're not fond of eyesores or falling property values). you may have to lodge complaints, check zoning, get petitions signed. if they aren't responsive, contact your state representative(with elections coming politicians are usually more responsive) make them aware this will be in the local paper. then contact the local paper. this will be a lot of work but keep at it it will work. did for me

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