
Can medical insurance be changed in the middle of a contracter, smoker to nonsmoker?

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If someone is a smoker when applying for ins, then quits smoking, can they have their policy/premium changed?

I understand some proof such as maybe a nicotene blood test might be in order... But is it possible to go from smoker from to non or do I need to wait till the contract is up?

I understand different companies have different policies, but any info on how that works "most commonly" would be appreciated.




  1. I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.

  2. Most commonly they won't! This may be a sad factor for you but anyways this is happening.

  3. You're right - different policies vary.  But most insurers only consider you to be a "nonsmoker" if you've been smoke-free for several years.

  4. Nope, not mid-term.  Because if they picked up smoking mid term, you can bet they wouldn't ask for the uprate.

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