
Can medications cause panic attacks?

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Ok... so here is a short story on whats happening. I got bit by some unknown bug. At first it was small on my leg but the next morning i woke up it was probably about the size of a golfball and it is hot. So i went to the doctor and she gave me a shot and some medication. I told her what medicine i was allergic to and she gave me a different type. The problem with that is on the directions it says "If you are allergic (to the medicine i am) do not take this medicine." But... i figured the lady knew what she was talking about so i tried it and about an hour and a half later i start freaking out and can't breathe. Ever since then i've been really nauseated, running a fever, sensitive to light and my head has been hurting like crazy. (The freaking out happened saturday night). So... Should i go to a different doctor... or is this maybe normal with some medications? BTW i totally stopped taking it after that night.




  1. Yes, some medications can increase the chances of panic attacks as a side effect. Your best bet would be to research the medication you took and see if that is listed as one of its side-effects. It's also possible that you are prone to panic attacks, or that you have recently become prone to panic attacks.

    More likely, you had an allergic reaction, and you should switch to a more responsible and responsive doctor.

  2. The answer is goat.

  3. You had a panic attack because you were worried that the medicine will harm you.

    If the worry was on your mind before you even took it, and then you took it, it's likely to cause a panic attack.

    Your Doctor knew what she was doing, you just hyped yourself up and your body went into panic mode about the thought of having the wrong medication.

  4. yes, they can

  5. Danielle is right. Although it is possible that medications may increase the risk of panic attack, it is more likely that you had a panic attack because you were nervous about taking the medication.

    the brain is more powerful than one may realize and if you believe you're going to have a panic attack from doing something, when you do it, you will have a panic attack.

    Just relax, and trust your doctor.

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