
Can meditation get rid of sleepiness?

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A lot of us have restless nights where for some reason we simply don't get enough sleep. Coffee is not always the best alternative cause it just makes you restless for the coming night. We can't always take a nap, especially if we're on the job or in the office. Can meditation offer a cure here? I've heard somewhere that meditation (if done well), can bring one into more restful, wakeful state. But, there are various kinds of meditations (transdental, yoga, etc....). What kinds (if they ever do), actually work?




  1. I've been doing TM (Transcendental Meditation) for over 8 years now and I would recommend it to everyone, especially to people like yourself who don't/can't get enough rest throughout the day/night...

    Yoga is great also but if you can't get enough sleep, that means you can't find time to do the exercises either right?!

    Check out the links below to find out more...

    All the Best

  2. just take ya eye balls out...................

  3. I have to say meditation can for sure relax you and release stress, clear your mind, etc. But to replace sleep? I don't think that's what you meant but to get rid of sleepiness for good is practically impossible. The feeling is there so your body can tell you when you need sleep to survive.

    Sleep is one of THE most important parts about getting the energy you need to stay awake.

    I do know a fun fact from a hypnotist I went to, which may give you hope or may not. He said something around 45 min (not sure exactly how much time) of Hypnosis can equal 4 hours of sleep.

    I don't know if he was exaggerating but I do know when one is hypnotized they are in a such a deep state of unconsciousness that I would not be surprised if stuff people never new could happen happened. (like getting sleep without sleeping p***e')

  4. I have sleep apnea and sometimes find myself groggy during the day time at work.  When it gets really bad, I take a 15 minute break to listen to a self hypnotic recording designed specifically to boost my energy.  This normally helps me to shake off my grogginess for a couple of hours so I can make it through my day.

    If you are having restless nights, I would suggest you also consider looking into the cause of that restlessness...ultimately the best cure for insomnia is sleep.

    This site has some resources that can help with insomnia...

  5. From what I understand of your question, you're asking about a solution to the problem of insufficient sleep because of restlessness.

    There are different causes of restlessness, and stress could be one.  However, the quality of your diet (the nutrition that you get) and amount of physical activity that you engage in directly affect the quality of your sleep.

    Here's an article on how to sleep better and one on stress management that are very helpful and easy reading:





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