
Can meditation stop bad lucks from happening or curse? just curious, do u think chakra would be better?

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Can meditation stop bad lucks from happening or curse? just curious, do u think chakra would be better?




  1. I guess there's all kinds of "meditation" techniques but I always looked for it to calm the mind and reflect clearer.

    I don't believe in random "luck" (I used to not anymore) I sincerely believe we tend to get what we deserve and yes I do believe in reincarnation...

  2. Meditation can give us strength to face bad days and nothing more.  God does write our luck and if he write, he does nto change it through meditation.

  3. There is no luck, good or bad, and curses, like blessings and prayers are proven to have no effect whatever. You are master of your fate, and you can either direct your life or be shoved about by happenstance.

    It sounds like you have no destination in mind. You know the old saying: "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."

    Choose a destination. Choose a path to your goal. Make your own "luck." You can meditate on that thought, but don't think too long. "Fortune favors the bold." Which is another way of saying that inertia is the enemy. Get moving!

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