
Can men go to OB/GYN to check if they have low sperm count?

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'bout 2 years ago I was in a relationship with this dude 4 8 months we tried to get pregnant but nothing happened. (Periods were irregular kinfda and before my recent period i havent been on in 4 months but anyways) ... so then our relationship broke off then he found someone and got married they were trying to get pregnant also but failed she had to go get surgery to get pregnant and now they are having twins, But me I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend a lil over 1 year and we have been trying, but nothing I got referred to an OB/GYN. I go on the 11th of August and I was wondering can my boyfriend go and get check to see if his sperm count is low and besides he's a diabetic but I really need help on how i can get pregnant because I am kinda realizing that I may not be able to have kids and I didnt know when I ovulate because I wasnt gettin a period but I am kinda on birthcontrol (suppose 2 take them)made me sick 4 bout 1wk and had a period 4 2 wks b'cuz i stop takin them.




  1. My OBGYN that diagnosed me with PCOS did send my now exhusband for sperm testing while we were TTC so yes an OBGYN can do the order for sperm analysis if they want, if not they will just have the family Dr do it or a fertility specialist.

  2. I think he may be able to see  a urologist

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