
Can mentally sick people ever be fully cured?

by Guest61100  |  earlier

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Can mentally sick people ever be fully cured?




  1. as it stands right now mental illness is a lot like being an alcoholic, or drug addict. you are never cured but with the proper treatment you can live with it and enjoy life to its fullest depending on the situation as far as the illness goes.

  2. Unfortunately, no. But it depends on the illness that they have as far as weather or not meds can help alleviate the problems they have.  

  3. This is my take on "mental illness",to me it is just demons that possess a person's mind.There's this guy that is "mentally ill" but yet he is the smartest person when it comes to mental illness.Most mental ill people have common sense which to me,doesn't make them mental at all.There are actually very smart "mental ill" people.To me,they aren't really mental at all.Everyone is different,some people have different issues.Everyone is made unique and no one is made the same.GOD made all of us unique and that's how we should look at this.GOD made us all beautiful.So to me,it's not called mental illness,to me,it's just demons that try to possess the mind.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  4. yes they can. but it depends on how bad they are. some do and some dont. betty.

  5. Thats a hard one.

    People have killed other people while suffering a temporary insanity.

    As its temporary they later recover.    

    A person who due to stress and other difficult time in their life may attempt suicide as a solution.

    This has to be a mentally sickness yet most sufferers with care do regain a grip on themself and go on to enjoy a full and rich life.

    In either of the above they were cured.

    But if your talking about things like say Autism then no its not going to get better.  

    Yet who knows.  

    Currently scientist believe they are close to beating Alzheimer.   If scientist can locate and correct the area of the brain that is the cause of the problem then that should solve the problem.  

    Important note:

    Mental illness caused by the inlaws can only be cured by a divorce.  

  6. Mental illness is a lot like diabetes, it is an illness you learn to manage and live with -- but properly managed it does not affect your life and you get to live it to its fullest.  However, it is important to continue to manage the illness, taking medications, therapy or whatever is recommended by the doctor, therapist, etc.

  7. nope.. once certain thoughts have passed through the mind there never going to be forgotten.

  8. They are usually put on medications and if they take their meds as directed, they can control whatever problems they are having.  But I don't think they are ever cured.

  9. The answers to this question would vary depending on who you ask

    For people who have been depressed and are now no longer feeling the symptoms they may claim they are cured however are they cured or just better able to cope?

    Mental health professionals sometimes state that certain (not all) mental conditions can be cured

    And others who have strugged for years and have never had any relief or only short periods will say no there is no cure.

    Personally I say no but it maybe possible to regain some kind of quality of life whilst living with it or trying to manage it.

    Cure or no cure, once your life has been affected by mental illness it definately changes you one way or another.


  10. yes

  11. when they die.

  12. medication can help mentally ill people live good lives.

  13. A person will never be cured. The symptoms can go away for a long time but it will always be there. A certain situation can bring them back at any time.

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