
Can mice climb brick building?

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We live on 3rd floor of apartment building and I found what I think is either squirrel or mouse poo. Can mice climb a brick building that high? Ive seen squirrels climbing the building before so thats why I assume a squirrel got up here. I havent seen whatever it is and the thought of a mouse or worse yet a rat is scary. Our buildings are fairly clean and wouldnt you see rats and mice by the dumpster if they were present?




  1. I once sat on my porch and watched a mouse scale a 3 story brick building like it was flat earth.  I've also seen one jump/climb on top of a fridge from the floor.  I have had them pull a loaf of bread apart into 4 different rooms in the house.  

    The fact is, even if you keep your place spotless (I did) and rarely even have food (I ate out), if you live in a multiple dwelling unit, you don't know what your neighbors are doing. Mice can get in through a dime sized hole, which are prevalent in older homes, and can make their way through stories and stories of walls with ease.

    So, I suggest both poison and glue.  Poison they bring back to the babies and they die rather painlessly (so the package says) and it dries them out, so they don't stink even if they die in the walls.  Glue is a little less humane, but it's a sure way to really get rid of those buggers!  Gear up for fall, when they all come looking for a warm place to live.

  2. If it has an uneven surface, they can climb it.

    i.e. if you lived in a glass house, I wouldn't bother putting out cheese on the window sill :-)

  3. Yes they can, they can climb everywhere. Our building is very clean to, but mice travel. 2 years ago somewhere close to us they cut a wheat field and the mice had to move, so they decided to come where we live.:))) Go and buy some of those glue traps, it worked perfect for us, and make sure you have food put up , they will chew through everything. Hate them!!!!

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