
Can mickey mouse platies live with guppies?

by Guest59857  |  earlier

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thanks now i can keep my mickey mouse platies and my fireball platies.i also got some guppies.i have 5 mickeys and 2 fireballs.and 2 worry i got a huge tank.hehehe




  1. They are both considered community fish, so the answer should be yes. However, guppies are notoriously difficult to keep alive in a tank with any other fish, including docile community fish. The only tank mates I really trust them with is neon tetras.  Also, with only two guppies, you are going to have aggression problems. If they are both males, they will fight. If they are a pair, the male will stress the female out by giving her so much attention. It is best to keep guppies in at least trios. The rule of thumb is anywhere from 2-5 females per male. I have found that 2-3 females per male works well for me.

  2. Absolutely..

    Guppies / Mollies / Platies are BFF (Best Friends Forever)....

    They live side by side..

  3. yes all kinds of platies could live with guppies

  4. Platies and Guppies are both peaceful, and are compatible in a community tank. Most of the livebearer group seem to be fairly placid in temprament, though any species can develop the occasional "bully fish".

  5. yes

    platys and guppies are both tropical fish meaning they need to be in temperatures 70-79°F (21-26°C)

    remember not to put them in with goldfish, cichlids, oscars etc.

    some good tankmates for platys and guppies are swordtails, mollies, tetras, danios

    for mor information on platys-

    for more info on guppies

  6. YES.

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