
Can midwives dictate.?

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My grandaughter had her child last week...

On both occasions the midwife has called she has demanded that my grandaughter get rid of her dog..

The dog is clean, does not go near the baby and is only a small dog anyway..

Are midwives allowed to make these demands at all...




  1. My midwife was complementary of my cat, saying that with her being black, that my daughter would love her.

    My friend had 2 dogs and was not told to get rid of them.

    I don't think they can demand, only suggest.

    My midwife stopped coming after 10 days, when I was transferred to my health visitor.

    Your granddaughter could ask for a new midwife or ignore her and wait until the health visitor says some thing.

  2. Are you sure she is telling your granddaughter to get rid of the dog and not just asking her to put it outside or in another room whilst she checks the mother and baby?

    Even a placid dog can turn if it feels its family may be in danger (from midwife), better safe than sorry.

  3. No they're not and thats extremely rude!  So long as the dog isnt getting too close to the baby it can actually be beneficial to the child as usually children brought up around animals are less likely to develop allergies.  Next time the midwife comes over making ridiculous demands tell your grandaughter to throw that at her!

  4. no its just like a doctor. its just dogs get jealous and i have known dogs to attack babies, like cats will take a babies breath away and suffacate that baby to death.

  5. I think it is up to the individuals . If the dog barks very loud maybe that bothers the midwife. Surely the dog can go to another room and not have to get rid of it. If the midwife is overly conrtolling and rude get another one. Oh I thought you were talking about during  the birth. I think it is none of her business.

  6. no of coarse they can't, our mid wife told me that going outside to smoke isn't good enough i have to get changed out of my clothes. they can only give an opinion. as long as the baby is ok, tell her to mind her own business, and get on with what she is paid for !

  7. Midwives are just bossy boots mate...its more than likely she's scared of dogs...maybe one gave her a bite up the r****m on an occasion...lmfao...

    They don't have the right to dictate...only suggest or advise.

  8. No they can't . When I had youngest I had 2 dogs and the midwife never once said to me to get rid of them , neither did my health visitor. The only thing my midwife ever said about the dogs was not to leave them alone with the baby, which is common sense anyway, and I never did.

  9. no she cannot!! cheeky cow, tell her get lost

  10. No they are not. They no longer in her care or the baby care at all. My two children been around dogs since they were babies and they are fine. If she keeps calling then I would change the phone number to call the police on them.. They shouldn't be calling her like that. That wrong.

  11. She cannot dictate who or what lives in the home with the baby. Tell her to get a life and stop worrying about other peoples. I'm sure yr gandaughter knows her dog well enough that it wont harm the baby.

  12. No, she absolutely can not make such demands.  

    If the dog is some sort of danger to the baby, she can suggest it.  In that case, if your daughter did not oblige she could report her.  But, if the dog is in no way a danger there is nothing the midwife can do about it.

    How absurd! (The midwife's demands)

  13. Wow. She cannot "demand" for your daughter to do anything. She is hired help. It seems to me she is forgetting that little detail. I would tell her that the dog isn't going anywhere and the topic is closed. Let her know you will file a complaint if it's mentioned again. Millions of new parents are pet owners and everything works out just fine. You get the rare case where that isn't true, but by keeping a watchful eye on both the pet and the child, you can prevent anything from happening. Also, babies aren't so delicate that they can't be exposed to a few germs. We have a Min Pin and from the time I brought my last baby home, my dog has been great with him. Very protective, too. That baby is now almost six and the dog is seven and they are the best of friends. Tell the midwife to mind her own business.

  14. No she cant, but you sound more interested in the dogs welfare than the childs

  15. NO!!

    My midwives were controlling like that as well, though never outwardly said anything about our was obvious though that they didn't like it and their attitude always sucked.

    its not the role of the midwife, thats left up to social workers. I just hope they don't call CAS/CPS on your granddaughter...they like to do that if they think there's even the slightest problem.

  16. What breed of dog is it?

    For example, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is "only a small dog".  But these dogs can be extrememly vicious - not only to other dogs but to humans too.

    Attacks by these breeds and others are unfortunately all too common.  Widwives do a terrific job - not only in delivering the baby but ensuring mum is relaxed too.  Midwifery is not an envied job by any means.  She is just showing concern for your loved one.  

    I think you should respect her advice.  Can you seperate the dog from baby in any way whilst being indoors?  Could you have an external kennel for the dog until the child is big enough?

    You wouldn't like your baby to be attacked would you - even if you think the temprement of the dog is fine.  These temprements can all too easily change... just like in human-animals too.

    The midwife is probably also just covering her own back, just in case.  If the dog were to attack the child, then authorities will be brought in to investigate.  The midwife is trained to give such advice to avoid any such conflicts and prevent such a tragedy occurring in the first place.  The midwife could become partly liable for not advising you in the first place if this should be taken to a court of law.

  17. Tell her her job is to advise on Mother & Baby care, Not critisise your family situation.

    That said - Never EVER leave baby & dog alone together, No matter how small or friendly it is.

  18. no, unless the dog is known to bite or can be jealous of others. We had a cat before our daughter was born and our midwife took an instant dislike to it and advised us to re-home our cat as it was a " dirty smelly thing that would attack the baby at any given chance". We promplty told the midwife that she had no right to tell us what to do with our pets and we'd be making a complaint against her if she mentioned anything about it again.She shut up after that.

  19. No tell her to f-off.

    what the h**l is she going to do if u don't follow orders?
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