
Can mollies and guppies live peacefully with betra????????????????

by  |  earlier

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please suggest a lightening system for my 15 gallon fish tank




  1. no and flourescent

  2. basically tetra live in groups. and its not good for guppies and mollies to be in the same tank either with tetra or with betta .

  3. no they won't. the guppies won't but the mollies can live with them.

    add fluorescent lights to it.

  4. Do you mean, is it Tetra or Betta.

    If it is Tetra, they dont bother guppy and molly much.  But to put tetra in a group of (10 to 12) is much better, as they would be rather healthy in groups.

    If your question is regarding, Betta, I strongly suggest not to put any other fish (guppy and molly) with them.  Guppies MIGHT go well with betta, but, when betta comes acrss a colorful grown up grown up guppy, it may attack the guppy assuming it to be of the same species.

    Betta is a very speacial fish which should be grown as a single.

    Hope this information helps you...

  5. I know they can't but i don't know about lights.  

  6. mollies and guppies are both horrible choices in tank mates with bettas as the betta will attack the guppies and the mollies will harass the betta.  All around a bad combo.

    As for lighting, just select a bulb that complements what you most want to show off like fish colors or something thats better suited to growing plants or any number of choices.

  7. i have a male and a female betta living with my guppies nothing happens they basically ignore each other

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