
Can more trees combat CO2 Levels.?

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Maybe I'm crazy or know very little about CO2 Levels, but wouldn't planting more trees be an additional option to combating C02 Levels, as well as slowly eliminating C02 Levels from using fossil fuels?




  1. Grow them, harvest them, use them for furniture or paper, then bury them deep.

  2. They could help some.  Mostly if they are planted in tropical climates, where they grow strongly all year.  As you move away from the equator, they become less effective.  In very snowy climates, their dark foliage actually makes them a net loss.

    But, as your question indicates, reducing fossil fuel use is the main thing we need to do.

  3. sort of.

    as trees grow they take in CO2 but when they die they release that CO2 back into the atmosphere. in natural forests these dieing trees are replaced with new trees. so if we are going to do this we will need to keep this land as forest. this means that we will have less land for farming. so are we willing to sacrifice fertile land just to store carbon or instead should we stop beating around the bush and stop co2 emissions instead of just exchanging one problem for another.

  4. certainly....however consider

    how many are cut down daily....and how many acres are cleared by the slash and burn method in the third world countries...

  5. To a certain extent, I hope you realize that you're not the first one to think of that.  People are already trying to save trees by installing hand dryers into bathrooms :-D

  6. More trees would help in the short term, but not long term.  Plants are just stores for carbon dioxide, so when they die and decompose, co2 goes back into the atmosphere.  I mean planting trees is a good thing because we have deforested most of the planet in an unsustainable way and have ruin many habitats, but it will not solve the problem of too much co2 in the atmosphere.

    The only good solution would be prevention.  So really, we just need to stop producing so much carbon dioxide because prevention is always easier and better than cure.

  7. Have you ever seen one of those horror movies where the giant venus fly trap like plants attack and eat people? Well, maybe that's what will happen if we evil humans began taking away their food supply. Don't those CO2 guzzlers know we are tired of them not hugging us back?

  8. You exhale CO2, so stop breathing and farting.

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