
Can move on, can suceed but should i make peace?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys, ex and i broke up almost 9 months ago and i am meeting new girls and making new friends but im the kind of guy that just cant be disliked i mean i tried reasoning with her she would not listen, told me to stop bothering her, and then 3 months later went in another direction i said "hey." so she replys "hey whats up" so with that i commucatied a little more but in more of a manner. i waited a week to contact her again becase before she said stop bothering me i was contacting her every day for two months. so anyway she has a new bf and im not depressed about it, i just want to make peace with her. if that makes sense. just one day say look and just tell her what was going on thought my mind that whole time, tell the truth to her becasue we never really communacated well when problems would arise and twell her goodluck with her new bf and life itself, and to tell her dont be a stranger to me?, like contacting me and **** becasuse i tihnk what my heart desires now from her is just a friendship, but like i said im not depressed or anything i just want to make peace with her becasue without the experience she gave me i would not be as confident as i am today, she was my first gf. so guys what do you think, **** her or make peace... try to lol?




  1. Let it go!  You're happy ~ leave it at that.  I'm sure she knows how to reach you if she wants to "be friends".

  2. WHAT?? You are far from being confident with your self any time you need to be validated by your ex.  You can't make anyone like you or talk to you.  If she has moved on then why can't you.  Find comfort in the new people that you are meeting.  Every connection will not be a good connection.  One more thing:  Learn to love yourself and stop People Pleasing.

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