
Can muslim teenagers in high school take off their headscarf during any practice like track,volleyball or any

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sports! I really need u r comments. well i am trying my best to keep up with my religion and also i really want to do some sports and it is really hard to put on headscarf while track or any practice. so is it ok or not?




  1. YES.

  2. it's OK although i've never seen my classmate without wearing her headscarf, i think it's still ok

  3. its ok..

    free country =)

  4. i actually wouldnt know.  you could probably ask your parents.  but i have seen people at school that take them off for sports.  it might actually be required for some sports like volleyball but i dont know.  go with what is best for you.

  5. I think you can get sports suits that cover the body but are also designed bot to restrict movement, i remember seeing them on this show about muslim lifeguards.

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