
Can my 10 year old sister watch my 2 year old son?

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My little sister loves watching my son and shes very good at it! She does an amazing job at making sure he has everything he needs. Do you think shes too young to leave alone with him for like an hour? shes very mature when it comes to my son and shes very good at watching him but i cant remember how old i was when i started although i think it was about 11.




  1. Too Young...but, when I was ten I started watching my cousins while my mom and aunts had soccer practice or a game. I also went and stayed with my aunt when she had her third child and was able to help keep the two older kds busy. It can be a great help and experience to start out as a mother's helper. When your sister is thirteen and your son is five, maybe an hour or so will be fine.

  2. No! She is too young. She might be great with him, but what if something happens...either to him, at the house, if a stranger comes to the door.. a ten year old is not going to know how to handle tough situations. Personally, I don't think I would be leaving a ten year old at home alone. You need someone older to watch your child. I would say once she is about 13, then let her watch him for about an hour or so. You just can't be too careful with your kids.

  3. Yes, what if something should happen to you 2yr old that she couldn't control. What if some stranger should come to the door. There is an amount of reasons to say NO.

  4. depends on your sister. We have tried to have my 10 year old niece watch our 2 1/2 year old daughter, and while she plays with her and watches her (its been at family functions where we are around, just not always in the same area) She has walked away from her and left her on her own. I wouldnt trust her to watch my daughter yet until she is older, but depends on how mature your sister is. And if you do, it cant be for an evening out or anything, just an hour or less.  

  5. to young!

  6. If you think that she's that responsible, then an hour should be fine. However, there are some things that babysitters should know, like cooking simple meals (like mac and cheese) and changing diapers if he's not trained yet. Also, maybe you could talk to her about taking a first aid/CPR class just to be on the safe side.  

  7. shes too young...maybe 13 would be a better age you just dont wanna take a chance with your son

  8. Nah, she's still a bit too young.  If he falls over or something she'll panic.  Give it a few more years.

  9. It is ridiculous that you would even CONSIDER letting a child this age take responsibility for another young child (ESPECIALLY a toddler). Your 10 year old sister may feel confident in their ability as a caregiver; but as a parent, you must consider her total level of maturity. Just because she can feed him and play with him DOESN'T mean she can handle everything that comes with caring for a child. What would happen in an emergency situation? What if the child was choking or not breathing or needed serious medical attention? Most ADULTS don't have the ability to stay calm in a situation such as that.....

    If you are intent on leaving, hire a babysitter for an hour. It's worth the $20 and piece of mind knowing an experienced adult is in charge. Imagine if something happened that could have been prevented... you would never forgive yourself.

  10. nowadays at least in ohio u have to be 13 to be left home alone. so the answer would be no because she isnt even old enough to be home alone. i mean if someone is with her im sure thats fine

  11. In Florida you have to be twelve to be left home alone and fourteen to babysit,so no way Jose!

  12. Way too young!!!! Give her 2 or 3 more years.

  13. yeah i know a girl who watches 2 6 year olds. 1 two year old and a 7 month.

    and her friend watches a 4year old a 1 year old and a 6 month.

    and they are both ten

  14. No she can't.  It is against the law to leave a child of 10 home alone longer than a couple of hours and it is very against the law to leave that 10 year old responsible for another child.  Legally a child has to be 12 years of age before they can watch other children...doesn't matter whether you think your sister is mature enough.  If you do leave your son with her and a neighbor calls CPS your son will be removed from your home and you will be charged with child endangerment and neglect.  

  15. I agree that she's still a bit young to be left home alone- but maybe you could use her as a "mommy's helper" and hire her for short times while you're in the house getting other things done.  That way she gets to "practice" babysitting and you get to have a break (maybe take a nap!)

    She might be great with your son (she sounds very mature for her age) but she would not be old enough to deal with "outside" situations... like emergencies or dangerous things that may come up.

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