
Can my 11 yr old daughter make a business?

by Guest65702  |  earlier

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My 11 year old daughter wants to make a little store out front our house. What should she sell there and could she make a little business?




  1. yes she could sell lemonade or something like that

  2. When I was that age I used to make pillows out of old curtains, sheets, clothes, etc. Some were pretty cool.

    She could also make cute little purses or totes.  

  3. Sounds like you have a budding Warren Buffett there.  At the age of six he was buying multi-packs of Coca-Cola and splitting them up to sell at a profit - he's now the richest man in the world.  Way to go!

  4. absolutely! she could do whatever she puts her mind to plus she is young and cute so people would buy from her I'm not to sure what she could sell i mean i dint want to be the one to say have a lemonade stand lol that's just so obvious but good luck to her i hope she does well

  5. Leomonade, homemade friendship bracelets, cookies, etc..

  6. She's far too young. What would she sell? Lemonade?

    Maybe in the future.

  7. ooooh, she should make lemonade bread.

    all you need is some dough, lemons, and some sugar.

    you just bake the bread to where its kinda doughy, then squeeze lemon juice on top of it, and then sprinkle sugar on top.

    its reallt easy to make and its de-lish!

  8. You can sell your produce.  I know its kind of late to grow fruits & veggies, but this is the time to start thinking what kind of stuff you can grow.

    I would get a book about growing things.

    spring time:  flowers

    summer time: peppers, summer squash, zuchinni, tomatos

    fall:  squash, pumpkins

  9. Homemade Pinatas go for could even sell them on Ebay for her.

  10. She should get some white or plain colored t-shirts and print things onto them

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