
Can my 18yr old sister recieve disability payments due to her learning disability in NYC?

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My 18 yr old sister who has ben in special ed since she was 8 and is currently attending one has a serious learning disability she is quite normal looking but at 18 cant read well or do math. From what I see she may have A D D or dixlexia, no matter what weve tried she cant read past a couple of sentences or even understand division or fractions. She is 18 and weve tried getting her a job with no success, Im wondering if In NYC she might be eligable to recieve some payments to help her out while she finishes her special ed school.




  1. She can probably get financial aid but not social security disability benefits unless she has been diagnosed by a doctor as having a disability. Even if she has a disability it is difficult to get social security. She's been in special ed since the age of eight and hasn't been to a doctor? (given a diagnoses).  Does this run in the family? You look like you have issues with spelling as well.  Financial aid from the state does have to be paid back.  So I would start by taking her to a doctor and going from there.

  2. Your school social worker should be able to connect you with someone in the county that can answer that question.  As others have stated maybe SSI but probably not disability.  Disability is for people who are no longer able to do a certain percentage of their job - SSI is for those who will be chronically underemployed.

    You will need to explore options for living and also if it makes more sense for her to be a ward of the state.  

    You are however going to need some medical diagnosis of what her issues are so making an appointment with a Physician who specializes in issues of Cognitive delays would also be needed.

  3. she may be able to get SSI (supplemental security income), but not SS disability--to get SS disability you need work credits.

    The school should be helping with transition.  She is also eligible for services trhoguh vocational rehab--contact your county social services.

    There are many jobs that do not involve academics-such as housekeepping-maybe child care assistant

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