
Can my 2 years old son become an australia citizen?

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I'm thai and my partner is american which his father is australian citizen and his mother is holding australian perminent resident visa, can any way that my son will become an australia citizen???? Please help!!




  1. Before a child can become an Australian citizen he or she must reach the age 18years or over.

    As a child he or she would come under your pass port there or your Husbands.

    They would have to apply for citizenship on there own when they reach the appropriate age.

  2. By saying "any way" if you mean any means, yes. You can apply for permanent resident visa for him. After several years, you can upgrade it to citizenship.

    In terms of relatives, I have no idea. But I recommend you to contact the Australian embassy or Australian government for more accurate information.

  3. If neither you nor your partner are Australian PRs or citizens, your son cannot become an Australian PR unless one or both of you achieves that status

    Your partner will not qualify for Australian PR on the basis of his parents' Australian status as they are not his only living relatives (you are also a relative for the purpose of this exercise) and he is presumably not dependent upon them.

    The only way is for one or both of you to qualify for an Australian permanent visa like any other immigrants then meet the residency requirements before applying for citizenship. Your son would be included in your application/s.

    Permanent visas are only available to people who have skills, qualifications and experience in an occupation in which workers are in demand in Australia. You must also pass a points test and meet health and character requirements.

    For all information on Australian visas, go to:

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