
Can my Child Support be garnished by creditors?

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I live in Colorado and have direct deposit for my child support and was wondering if a creditor can garnish that and or my disability check?




  1. I was a bill collector for 6years and now I am a debt management adviser.The only way they can take it is if you have  enter into a judgment and than dont follow the agreement,than with post judgment than can attach your bank account. So keep the money out of any account that is in your name.

  2. NO

  3. No, they can not garnish child support or disability .... anyone who tells you such is a noob!

  4. Colorado law as to garnishment follows the Federal Guidlines.  This means that child support funds and any federal programs (i.e social secuirty, SSDI, SSI and VA Pension are expempt from garnishment)

    So you do not have to worry about it.

    Hope this answers your question

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The advice contained herein is for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as Legal Counsel nor Legal Advice.

  5. The only way a creditor can garnish your wages not child support, is after they sued you and a judge has passed a judgement.  There has to be a legal judgement against your wages.  Now, they can tell you they will garnish your wages.  And doing so they are violating the Fair Debt collection act.  Hang up on them because if their mouth is moving they are lying.  Ohh! and never never give them access to your bank account, they will clean you out.

  6. No, they can't garnish your child support or a government disability check.  They can try to attach your bank account.  If you have other funds mixed in that account, they can take it.  But if the only funds are your government disability check, the account would be exempt.

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